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“Do NOT come to Fukushima and do NOT eat the food products!” – Support evacuation instead!

Iitate 飯舘村 _Fukushima Hot spot

Published on 4 May 2013
Iitate radioactive Hot spot / 飯舘村 /Zone contaminée de Iitate
We are on a road approximately 40km north-west of Fukushima Dai Ichi power plant near Iitate. The village is now a famous Hot spot with high levels of radioactivity.
It has been nearly completely evacuated. It looks like a ghost town with deserted homes everywhere. But here and there on the side of the road, among abandoned fields, one can see some farmers still growing vegetables. While we were filming this, an old man came to me and started talking.
Nous sommes à environ 40km au nord-ouest de la centrale sur une route près de Iitate. Le village est connu maintenant pour être un “hotspot” avec des taux de radioactivité élevés. Il a été évacué presque en totalité. On dirait parfois une zone fantôme avec des maisons et serres abandonnées. Pourtant aux détours des chemins et des champs en friches, on aperçoit encore des agriculteurs qui continuent de cultiver leurs terres. Alors que j’étais en train de filmer, un monsieur s’est approché pour me parler.
原発から四〇キロ地点の飯舘村に近い道を走っている。村は「ホットスポット」 と言われている。ほとんどの住民が避難している。荒れた畑の間に空き家が散在し­てい て、まるでゴーストタウン のようだ。けれどもやがてところどころに、田畑を耕しつづけている農家の人々がいる­ことに気がついた。撮影していると、一人の男性に声をかけられた。

“Do NOT come to Fukushima and do NOT eat the food products!” – Support evacuation instead! 



(Translation by Mia June)


Mr. Shigenobu Inamura’s speech, bravely using his real name at an anti-nuclear rally in front of METI (Government building) on 29/3/2013


Mr. Inamura has been living in Tokyo for 30 years. He was born to a family who used to run the Geisha house in the Hot Spring area in Nihonmatsu-City which is in Fukushima Prefecture.


This is what he had to say;


“We want you to remember Fukushima but please don’t come to Fukushima! and do not eat Fukushima products!


If you visit Fukushima, you are supporting the Japanese government’s misleading safety campaign that helps to establish that Fukushima is a safe place to live, hence, the children of Fukushima will not be evacuated out of Fukushima.


If you eat Fukushima products, in the same way, you are helping to establish that Fukushima food is safe. Then the Fukushima children are coerced to eat the radioactively contaminated local food at school lunch.


On the TVS morning program, Minomonta, The TV presenter showed statistics of the decreasing sale of Fukushima products, saying it was because of “Fuhyo Higai” (Harmful rumor, see below) He sounded like he was supporting Fukushima farmers.  I feel pity for Fukushima farmers, but I think it’s a consumer’s right to feel concerned about Fukushima products.”


Also he wanted to share what he heard from people who work in the Forest Industry. He felt deeply touched by their words;



“They said they just need to wait patiently and let the land to heal from the radioactive contamination by itself, and hope for the best.


Removing the radioactive contamination from the leaf moulds is impossible. And anyway, getting rid of the leaf moulds would be detrimental to the environment because the most important aspect of the leaf moulds is that the forests water retention capability would be lost if the mould were removed.


Therefore, decontamination of the forest wouldn’t work for us. We would lose our jobs. Fukushima prefecture is 70-80% mountainous. If they decontaminate the land, they need to do all of it (according to what he described, it’s impossible) or Japan admits the extent of the contamination in Fukushima prefecture and acts accordingly. That’s the only way to show the world our sincerity, and then we can only start to gain our trust from the rest of the world.”



(Editor’s comment)


”Fuhyo Higai” means “harmful rumor” (mentioned a lot by the Japanese government). This word has been used a great deal to cover-up the real danger of ionizing radiation in food grown in Japan by the media and the central/local governments.
They say it’s safe without any showing any believable transparency. The Japanese food authority checks only about 10% of the food! Furthermore, they only check for the isotopes iodine131 and cesium134/137. As an aside, most food authorities in the world do not check for other types of isotopes either.



A response to Mr. Inamura’s speech from the listener of the video.


“I had a friend who was a farmer in Fukushima Prefecture. I used to buy, and enjoy, eating his products.


After the disaster, I suggested him to come to the West of Japan to work on the land and rice fields. After a while he sent me his products, I think it was a thank you gift for my suggestion. However, I didn’t feel like eating them and had to throw them away. I felt sad about doing that. I didn’t know what to say to him afterwards.


I haven’t heard from him since. So sadly, we lost our friendship and our contact. I would like to use this blog to express some thoughts.


Those experienced farmers in Fukushima prefecture deserve a second chance. They should be given a piece of land in the West and South of Japan that has not been used for a long time. I’m sure they will be able to contribute to our farming industry. What on earth are the Government and Farm Ministry doing to help people in Fukushima and save our country?”



(Editor’s comment)


*Current allowable amount of ionizing radiation in food in Japan is 100Bq/Kg (for cesium).  Most of Japanese people including farmers think 100Bq/kg is a safe limit. However Japanese rice before the Fukushima disaster only used to contain 0.01-0.1Bq/kg of cesium. In other words it is 1000 times more radioactively contaminated. 



*Becquerel is a unit indicating the amount of radioactivity emitted coming from radioactive decay in an atom per second. One of main radioactive materials, Cesium* is used to measure the amount of allowable radiation in the food. So for example if you consume 100g of rice that contains cesium 100BQ/kg, Cesium will keep emitting radiation 10 times per second (86400times a day), damaging nearby cells whilst it is decaying, that is, until it is eliminated out of the body.




*Some farmers try to find a way of maintaining their farming by experimenting and using “EM”=effective microorganisms.


May 5, 2013 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. […] Iitate 飯舘村 _Fukushima Hot spot  4 May 2013… […]

    Pingback by Support evacuation of children. Do not visit Fukushima: do not eat Fukushima’s food products « Antinuclear | May 6, 2013 | Reply

  2. […] Iitate 飯舘村 _Fukushima Hot spot  4 May 2013… […]

    Pingback by Japan’s cover-up of Fukushima radioactivity: children should be evacuated | Nuclear Australia | May 6, 2013 | Reply

  3. […] “They said they just need to wait patiently and let the land to heal from the radioactive contamination by itself, and hope for the best. Removing the radioactive contamination from the leaf moulds is impossible. And anyway, getting rid of the leaf moulds would be detrimental to the environment because the most important aspect of the leaf moulds is that the forests water retention capability would be lost if the mould were removed. Therefore, decontamination of the forest wouldn’t work for us. We would lose our jobs. Fukushima prefecture is 70-80% mountainous. If they decontaminate the land, they need to do all of it (according to what he described, it’s impossible) or Japan admits the extent of the contamination in Fukushima prefecture and acts accordingly. That’s the only way to show the world our sincerity, and then we can only start to gain our trust from the rest of the world.”… […]

    Pingback by Fukushima forests found to be radioactive « nuclear-news | May 7, 2013 | Reply

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