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Fukushima Waste Mathematics

Tomioka town, Fukushima Prefecture in the November 27, 2015, Morita Takeshi shooting from headquarters helicopter5


I must admit that I have a bit of a hard time to follow the mathematics of the Japanese government and of the Japanese media when it comes about the Fukushima accumulated waste and its disposal.
In November 9, 2014 in its article the french Figaro was speaking of 43 millions cubic meters (metric tons) for the prefecture of Fukushima only.
That number of 43 millions tons was confirmed on January 5, 2015 by the Japan Times in its article :


Now one year later, this December 10, 2015 the Mainichi is now giving us a 9 millions tons number :


We know that there are a dozen of incinerators which were constructed in the year-end of 2014 in various towns of Fukushima prefecture, and which started operations in 2015.
We know that one of the main ones, the Tomioka incinerator, which started operations on March 19, 2015 has an incineration capacity of 500 tons per day.

Therefore if we assume that those 12 incinérators would have all similar incineration capacity:

12 incinérators x by 500 tons a day = 6000 tons a day
6000 tons a day x by 365 days in a year = 2,190 000 tons in a year,

Which means a little over 2 million tons could have been incinerated within this one year 2015 by that dozen of incinerators.

Now they are telling us that it remains only 9 millions tons of waste in Fukushima prefecture….
43 millions – 2, – 9, = 32 millions


Please can someone explain to me where those 32 million metric tons went ???
Yes, I know my maths are not up to Einstein level, but still I am smelling something fishy here…


One more thing, whatever the number of tons which have been incinerated in Fukushima prefecture by that dozen of incinerators during the year 2015, a radioactive dust remains radioactive even after incineration, incineration cannot assure that radioactive nanoparticles will not become redistributed into the environment, nearby or far away depending on the goodwill of the winds, incineration is therefore not a viable solution.

This incineration is the equivalent to a slow global murder, just helping to redistribute freely and widely those radioactive nanoparticles anywhere within the Northern Atmosphere, why does the international community not oppose Japan’s  radioactive debris incineration? Why Japan neighboring countries do not oppose it? Especially Canada and the US which are receiving a good share of it carried by the Jet Stream to their shores and further than their shores to the inner lands, why do not they oppose it?




Tomioka incinerator

December 22, 2015 - Posted by | Fukushima 2015 |


  1. […] Difficile alors de justifier les déclarations des autorités affirmant que sur les 43 millions de tonnes à traiter, il ne resterait plus que 9 millions de tonnes. lien […]

    Pingback by Blog de serge angeles | December 25, 2015 | Reply

    • Oui, c’est tout à fait impossible en effet qu’ils aient pu incinérer 34 millions de tonnes avec leur douzaine d’incinérateurs pendant l’année 2015. Ils continuent à nous fournir des chiffres “améliorés”.

      Comment by dunrenard | December 26, 2015 | Reply

  2. […] Difficile alors de justifier les déclarations des autorités affirmant que sur les 43 millions de tonnes à traiter, il ne resterait plus que 9 millions de tonnes. lien […]

    Pingback by Fukushima: l’ignorance, c’est la force | CentPapiers | December 26, 2015 | Reply

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