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Fukushima railway decontamination waste to total 300,000 cubic meters



FUKUSHIMA – An estimated 300,000 cubic meters of waste will be generated as a result of radioactive decontamination work in a suspended section of East Japan Railway Co.’s Joban Line in Fukushima Prefecture, Jiji Press learned Saturday.

Decontamination work is going on to restore train services in the section between Namie and Tatsuta, both in the nuclear disaster-hit northeastern prefecture, by spring 2020. But how to secure enough space to temporarily keep such waste, including soil, is a difficult question.

Due to the 2011 nuclear accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.’s Fukushima No. 1 power station, the Joban Line is still suspended between Hamayoshida, in the Miyagi Prefecture town of Watari, and Soma, in Fukushima Prefecture, as well as between Odaka, in the Fukushima town of Minamisoma, and Tatsuta, in the Fukushima town of Naraha.

The Hamayoshida-Soma section is scheduled to reopen in December this year and part of the Odaka-Tatsuta section, between Odaka and Namie, in spring 2017. Ahead of the reopening, work there to replace stones under rail tracks and soil and cut trees and grass along the tracks has almost finished.

In the remaining Namie-Tatsuta portion, decontamination work is proceeding so that train services will be resumed between Tomioka, also in Fukushima Prefecture, and Tatsuta in 2017. Decontamination work is also taking place between Namie and Tomioka, a portion that runs through the heavily contaminated no-go zone so services can be resumed by the spring of 2020.

Currently, bags filled with decontamination waste are stored along the rail tracks. They must be transferred elsewhere before restoration work starts.

The Environment Ministry has started negotiations with owners of land near the railway line. The ministry has already obtained agreement from some owners on the use of land.

But it is still difficult to secure enough land to store 300,000 cubic meters of waste.

The ministry is also considering utilizing locations where radioactive waste from decontamination work across Fukushima Prefecture is currently being kept. The places will become available after the waste is transferred to an interim waste storage complex near the Fukushima power plant.

September 11, 2016 - Posted by | Fukushima 2016 | , ,


  1. When will the people of the US realize that Japan is incinerating their radioactive debris? When will the people of the US realize that the incineration of the debris ‘air mails’ the radioactive particles directly to the US. This contaminates our air, our rain, our soil, our lakes, our drinking water, our food, and every one of us. No one in the US can avoid this. And the total contamination of the US will take away your most precious commodity – TIME. Our lives are getting shorter. WAKE UP! If you do not care about yourself, please give the children a chance to live a full life.
    Write and talk to your government . Would we allow Mexico to send all their garbage to the US for us to take care of? NO! Why are we allowing the Japanese to incinerate their waste and shorten our lives? WE MUST STOP THIS!
    Talk to everyone you can. Talk to your neighbors, your friends and enemies, young and old – EVERYONE!


    Stam Peden
    Aromas, CA

    Comment by stam peden | September 11, 2016 | Reply

    • You are correct. That the world continue to ignore, permit Japan to incinerate its radioactive debris, thus distributing more and more radioactive nanoparticles into the environment, our environment, is insane and against all reason. There are 19 active incinerators in the Fukushima prefecture.

      Comment by dunrenard | September 11, 2016 | Reply

      • Thank you for your comments. I ask for your help. I recently purchased a Delta Epsilon SC-133 gamma detector. I live 10 miles from the coast in California. My readings for the past month have averaged 12,000 CPM or 20 uSv/hr. I felt these numbers were high so I contacted State Health experts. They told me not to worry. The numbers represent decomposing rocks in my area. Are they serious? I have read your opinions on nuclear and radiation issues and hold you in high regard. Please give me your take on this – good or bad. Maybe I am simply out of touch with how radiation is interpreted in this day and age. Stam Peden, Aromas, CA.

        Comment by stam peden | May 18, 2017

  2. Thank you for those encouraging comments. I do not have any expertise on levels of radiation. I do know that prolonged exposure to low level ionising radiation increases one’s risk of cancer and other illnesses, by a small margin. So, for a rough guide, – where the chance of cancer might be 30 per thousand, it becomes 31 per thousand. What I am trying to say is that the individual risk is not great, but at the population level, the risk increases with increases in low level radiation.

    The risk also depends on how long an increased level of radiation lasts. And there is also the danger of internal emitters, radioactive articles inhaled or ingested.

    There are many discussions of radiation risk on the Net, some helpful. e.g.

    Comment by Christina MacPherson | May 19, 2017 | Reply

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