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Groundwater to be released into the sea on Monday

The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant plans to start releasing groundwater from around reactor buildings into the sea next Monday.

The government and the operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, are to formally decide on the discharge date on Wednesday. The water has already been decontaminated.

Officials hope the move will help to curb the accumulation of radioactive wastewater in the reactor buildings. The contaminated water is increasing at a rate of 300 tons a day as the groundwater flows in.

The officials plan to first release some 4,000 tons of water pumped up from the wells around the buildings on a trial basis since August last year.

They say they will continue to pump up water and release it after removing radioactive materials.

Later this week, the utility also plans to resume the construction of steel walls along the coast to stop the groundwater seeping directly into the sea.

The construction work has been suspended until the release of the groundwater becomes possible. 

Source: NHK

September 9, 2015 - Posted by | Japan | , , ,

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