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Support Mari Takenouchi and Radiation Protection – The attack on Japanese truthtellers continues!

Office of the Prosecutor, Iwaki Branch, Fukushima Japan:

Support Mari Takenouchi and Radiation Protection

“Perhaps because everyone believes people telling them on television that everything is fine, they don’t seem so worried,” 281 Antinuke told Reuters.“I hope by leaving my art I can remind people that we’re not safe at all … and that they will do something to protect themselves.”

“We don’t know what will happen in the future, whether children will get cancer or leukemia,” he said. “So I want to keep making noise and making a fuss.”

“The nuclear accident allowed us to realize that Japan had hidden a lot of things,” he said. “I want to make images that express doubts about what’s going on in politics – like a label that says ‘This is happening, pay attention’!”

Why this is important!!

Mari is facing charges stemming from speaking out on radiation in Japan and advocacy for families relocating children out of the areas contaminated by radioactivity from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi reactor site, operated by TEPCO. Radioactivity continues to leave that site. It is well established that while lower levels of exposure to radioactivity lowers risk, the greatest hazard from radiation comes when children are exposed, raising the risk of cancer manifold over their entire lives.

The group ETHOS in Japan supports the decision by some to stay and live in contaminated areas. Sadly, some of these families feel they have no choice due to economics and other factors. Certainly young children have no choice. ETHOS advocates monitoring radioactivity, but well established science supports Mari’s views that there is no safe dose of radiation and that children need to be protected. We support open discussion, access to information and free choice. We ask the Prosecutor to agree that writing and speaking about these issues are not a crime.

Please Stand With Mari as she stands for precaution, protection and the rights of children to a healthy future. THANK YOU.


“Hiroshi Hoshi and Leo Hoshi were arrested on January 28th 2013 and are still in custody at the Futaba Police station.  They are under arrest for “allegedly” breaking laws.  We believe that that they are being targeted and unjustly detained due to their animal rescue of Fukushima animals.  They have actively rescued, cared for, vetted and adopted out over 200 animals left to die inside the Nuclear Zone by the Government of Japan.” Source 2013


Letter extract May 7, 2013

Fukushima Japan, Chief Prosecutor Toru Sakai
Your Honorable Mr. Sakai:
On behalf of the Hachiko Animal Federation, Inc, a non-profit organization in the United States we humbly request that you release the Hoshi Family, Hiroshi and Leo on their own merit and without any bail.The Hoshi’s have actively rescued, cared for and placed animals in adoptive families for almost two years. Because of the unforeseen disasters in Japan, unfortunately, many of these animals were sadly left behind in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone, or Nuclear Zone. It appears that there were no plans in place to deal with such drastic human circumstances and much less to include the animals that were people’s household pets. The Hoshi’s have actively rescued over 200 animals on their own with very limited monetary resources. The Hoshi Family is a humanitarian group and their sole mission has always been and remains one of altruism; to help reunite animals with their families or to find new families for animals in need.

The Hachiko Animal Federation was formed to honor your national treasure and our mascot, Hachiko, the loyal Akita dog. Our mission was and remains to assist animal shelters in Japan as well as animal rescue groups and volunteers who received little or no aid from the Japanese government. Our group will continue to assist Fukushima animals and animals around the world.

Your Honor, we ask that you take into account that the Hoshi’s were saving animals lives and they would not have become involved if the Government of Japan had only rescued and shown mercy to its animals left inside the Fukushima Exclusion Zone. We ask that you release Hoshi Hiroshi and Leo Hoshi as quickly as possible. For almost two years, the Hoshi Family has acquired a very large network of supporters in Japan, in the United States and internationally who are so grateful for all of the animals that they have been able to rescue, obtain medical treatment for, spay and neuter and, in the best case scenario, find homes for as well. These “happy endings” are something we all want. Surely, the Government of Japan would like this for the animals as well. We love Japan and hope that your great nation will rebuild and prosper. We would also like to tell our children and the world, that Japan did their best to help rescue animals and help the animal rescuers. We have asked the Ministry of Environment and the Fukushima Prefecture to rescue the surviving animals. To this day our request remains the same.

Your Honor, please take into account the fact that the Hoshi Family’s goal was to save lives. They wanted nothing more then to end the suffering of the cats and dogs they encountered. Animal owners begged for them to go in to the Zone and try to save their animals. Once there, it was impossible for the Hoshi Family to leave without trying to help all of the animals that they saw. These volunteer animal rescuers are not criminals. They are humanitarians who love both people and animals and could not stand to see animals suffering. Please do all you can to release Hiroshi and Leo Hoshi as quickly as possible. Their families need them and so do their animals.

We cordially thank you.

The Hachiko Animal Federation

福島地方検察庁堺 徹 検事正様
星 親子は過去2年間、動物を救助し、面倒を見て里親を探す活動を精力的に展開してきました。東日本における想定外の大災害のために、これらの動物達は不幸に も警戒区域及び避難区域に置き去りにされてしまいました。人々の状況の改善のための計画の中に、家族の一員であるペットの件はほとんど含まれていませんで した。星親子は限られた資金の中から200を超える動物を独自に救助してまいりました。星ファミリーは人道的なグループであり、動物達をその家族と再会さ せる、又は動物達に新しい家族を見つけるという彼らの唯一の使命は一貫して利他主義に基づいたものであります。
ハチ公動物連盟は日本の国民に愛 さ れ続ける忠実な秋田犬のハチ公をマスコットにさせていただいてます。私たちの使命は政府の援助があまり受けられない日本の動物シェルターと動物救助団体又 は個人を支援することです。我々のグループは福島の動物達を含め世界中の動物達を支援しております。
日本政府が警戒区域内に取り残された動物達 を 救出し、きちんと保護してさえいれば星親子がこのようなことに関与することはなかったであろうことを我々は検事正様にご考慮いただきたく存じ、星広志、及 び星礼雄の早期釈放をお願い申し上げます。過去2年近くの間、星ファミリーは日本、アメリカ、その他の国際社会で多くの支援者を得ております。支援者達は 動物達が星ファミリーによって救助され、医療ケアを受け、避妊去勢手術を施され、里親を見つけてもらったことに一様に深く感謝しております。このような 「幸せな結末」は誰もが望むものであり、日本政府も動物達を幸せにしたいという想いを持っていると信じております。我々は日本を愛しており、日本の震災か らの再建と繁栄を願っています。我々は「日本という国は動物のレスキューに全力を尽くし、そのボランティアの人々を援助している」と子供達や世界中に伝え ることができるようにしたいと思っております。我々は環境省及び福島県に生き残っている動物達を救助する要請をしてきましたが、今日まで状況は変わってお りません。
星ファミリーの目的はただ動物の命を救うことであると検事正様にはご理解いただきたく存じます。彼らはそれ以上のことは望んでいませ ん でしたが、彼らが遭遇した犬や猫のために苦労をするという結果に陥っております。飼い主の方々は警戒区域内に行って動物達を救助してくれるように星ファミ リーに懇願してきたのです。一旦警戒区域内に入ってしまえば、星ファミリーには出会った動物達を置いて来ることはできませんでした。このような動物救助ボ ランティアは犯罪者として扱われるべきではありません。星親子は人も動物も両方愛し、動物達が苦しんでいるのを見過ごせない人道主義者です。星広志及び礼 雄の釈放のためにどうかお力をお貸しください。家族と動物達は彼らを必要としております。

March 3, 2014 - Posted by | Uncategorized


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