
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

TEPCO -Workers deaths are not reported 報道されない原発作業員の死亡について

…“She said that there have been so many workers dead without being reported. Some died during the 2 days break, some didn’t turn up the next morning and were found dead…. Those who died haven’t been measured for how much exposure they got. Tepco doesn’t count and report the dead unless they die during their work hours.” …

Posted by Mia

21 November 2013

(Editor’s comment: According to Mrs. Mako Oshidori of NPJ and of Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd., Tepco doesn’t keep a record of the worker’s radiation exposure and number of deaths (See the video: There has been some information in the Japanese blogs concerning Tepco worker’s deaths. I picked a few of them for this post.
<福島県川内村村議会議員 西山千嘉子氏からの情報> 7/11/2011 原発作業員の死亡はこれまで3名と発表されているが、あくまでも、作業中に体調不良で亡くなった方の数。契約を終えて家に帰ってから亡くなる方が多いが、それはまったくカウントされていない。これまでフクイチ原発作業に携わった作業員は、のべ10万人、そのうち約4%にあたる4300人が亡くなっているという。直接の死因は心筋梗塞が多いよう だ。そのようにして亡くなくなった場合には、億単位の多額の口止料が支払われており、口外すると没収されてしまうため、家族も一切口をつぐんでいるよう だ。
According to Ms. Chikako Nishiyama, a former member of the Kawauchi village Assembly, the official announcement that 3 Tepco workers being the number who died during their work at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant. Ms. Nishiyama commented that Tepco doesn’t count the workers if they died after their contracts ended. She also said that there were 100,000shifts shared between the work force that have worked at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant so far, also, 4% of 100,000 (4300) workers have reportedly died. Most of them have died of heart attacks. If they died suddenly then Tepco paid a huge amount of money (about 3 million yen )to their families, to keep them silent about the deaths. If they talk about the deaths then the money that would be taken back. Therefore, nobody has said anything about it in the public domain.
Apart from Tepco workers, 64 members of the Self Defence Force and about 300 policemen have also died. They said that those policemen who work at the security check points of the no go zones in Fukushima prefecture are not wearing any protection, therefore, they have been exposed to huge amounts of ionizing radiation.
瀬戸教授は、「災害対策実行本部本部統括監・東北大学瀬戸翼教授」です。 この告発でアカウントを剥奪された模様
The above information came from a whistle blower, Prof. Seto at professor at Tohoku University and was also a Disaster control headquarters inspector general (in 2011). After releasing the information, his blog account was suspiciously closed. (this account was closed.)
以上、西山さんの情報で精度の高そうなものは、瀬戸教授の内部告発による、行方不明者のうち数名が県立医大に検体として持ち込まれていた。 One other thing Prof Seto said that seemed close to the truthwas that several missing bodies that were found in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant were taken into Fukushima Medical University and kept as specimen materials.
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*University of Tohoku Hospital has been imposing a gag order to stop information on 800 Tepco worker deaths. (1/5/2012)
University of Tohoku Hospital has been imposing a gag order to stop information concerning 800 Tepco worker deaths. This information is coming from some doctors and nurses who have been it finding hard to keep quite about it.
 それは、福島第1原発の大事故現場に送り込まれた作業員(約3000人)のうち、すでに800人が放射能により死亡しているのに、東北大学医学部附属病 院が緘口令を敷いて、外部に洩れないようにしているということだ。患者たちは、一旦、東北大学医学部附属病院で診察を受けた後、新潟県内にある分院に移送 されて、静かに死期を迎えるまで過ごす。放射線治療を受けても、手の施しようがないからである。
University of Tohoku Hospital has been imposing a gag order to stop the top secret information on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident from leaking outside. One of top secret information is about 800 out of 3000 Tepco clean-up workers died because of high exposure to ionizing radiation at the site. Those patients received some examination at the University of Tohoku Hospital, then had been taken into one of their branch hospital in Niigata prefecture and stayed till they die quietly. Because there was nothing the doctors could do to save their lives.ヤブロコフ博士講演会 「調査報告 チェルノブイリ被害の全貌」 Dr. Alexey Yablokokv ‘s lecture in Tokyo on 18/5/13
(1h5m-) The Japanese comedian Makorine of Oshidori interviewed a chief nurse of the medical department for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant sometime back in 2011 and got the facts on mortality stories of the clean-up workers. However, she wasn’t able to publish the information at that time. She got a chance to mention it in front of the big audience when she worked as a master of the ceremony at the lecture by Dr. Yablokokv in Tokyo on 18th of May, 2013.
She said that there have been so many workers dead without being reported. Some died during the 2 days break, some didn’t turn up the next morning and were found dead…. Those who died haven’t been measured for how much exposure they got. Tepco doesn’t count and report the dead unless they die during their work hours.” 
(Editor’s note: I would like to pray for those workers who died without being recognized.) – 225 × 140 – Search by image

November 22, 2013 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. Of course, no one names the supposedly dead, what they did and when or the actual cause of death – that much detail could actually be verified. Given that none of these people are likely to have actually been exposed to ionizing radiation from Fukushima, the entire story stinks, but that is the stock and trade of this website, just like posting “articles” by non-reporters from Neo Nazi front groups that pretend to be The American Free Press.

    Comment by Roger | November 22, 2013 | Reply

    • for the list of the dead you would have to contact the yakusa.. according to the japanese press.. as to the mix of articles i dont see you saying that the atomic insights article was bad though some here might have baulked a bit.. but rob did a good bit of investigation and the article deserves some credit imo.. just like this article. thetruth is out there but you will not find it if you dont look and question..
      we also have posted articles from the communist party and many other divers sources..
      i think there is some truth in the story as it is managed by ogilvy maher (pay offs to keep people quiet.) of bP gulf oil fame..

      none exposed to ionising radiation working at daichi? didnt you see the bbc reprt where his new gieger went of the scale when near unit 3?? really ?? a miracle?

      Comment by arclight2011part2 | November 22, 2013 | Reply

  2. Obviously thousands of people have already died in Fukushima.
    Obviously those who want to conceal these deaths have infinitely more power than those who try to reveal this fact to the world.
    Money is against us, maybe shame will prompt witnesses to speak, this is the only hope for the millions of future victims.

    Comment by Philippesan | November 22, 2013 | Reply

  3. Those who died haven’t been measured for how much exposure they got. Tepco doesn’t count and report the dead unless they die during their work hours
    ‘That’s convienent’ they don’t count

    Comment by Albert N Michall | November 23, 2013 | Reply

  4. Roger is Helbig the nuclear shill

    Comment by chris busby | November 23, 2013 | Reply

  5. […]……“She said that there have been so many workers dead without being reported. Some died during the 2 days break, some didn’t turn up the next morning and were found dead…. Those who died haven’t been measured for how much exposure they got. Tepco doesn’t count and report the dead unless they die during their work hours.” … […]

    Pingback by Unreported deaths of many Fukushima Tepco workers | Nuclear Australia | January 13, 2014 | Reply

  6. […] Fukushima. There’s tacit acceptance by world leaders that the crippled nuclear plant is in a perilous state. Now it is hard to get information: mainstream media is quiet , but Japanese sources highlight the costs, and problems, as the clean-up efforts go on by many contract and casual workers, with health outcomes, and even deaths not reported.  The new Japanese secrecy law takes effect concerning radiation health effects  TEPCO -Workers deaths are not reported 報道されない原発作業員の死亡について […]

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  7. […] nucléaire etale autour, compliments de l’ejection en plein air du coeur du reacteur 3. ( People are dying left and right out at Fukushima because there is so much nuclear material laying ar…). Puisque nous avons un scénario qui n’aurait pas été possible, faute d’un acte de […]

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  8. […] If you want to cover up a crime scene, have criminal organizations in charge of the cover up. People are dying left and right out at Fukushima because there is so much nuclear material laying ar… Since we have a scenario that could not have happened absent an act of war, criminals have to […]

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  9. […] the bomb that was under reactor 3 threw everywhere. Many many many of these homeless people died, at least 800 of them, and no one asked any questions because no one knew where these people were or if they were even […]

    Pingback by Fukushima, A Bedtime Story « Zionist Outrage | January 21, 2014 | Reply

  10. […] If you want to cover up a crime scene, have criminal organizations in charge of the cover up. People are dying left and right out at Fukushima because there is so much nuclear material laying ar… Since we have a scenario that could not have happened absent an act of war, criminals have to […]

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  11. Fukushima Workers ‘Allowed’ 250 mSv/yr, Compared To 20 mSv/yr For US Nuclear Industry Workers; via @AGreenRoad

    4,000 Missing TEPCO Nuclear Plant Workers – Presumed To Be Dead via @AGreenRoad

    Comment by A Green Road Project | June 14, 2014 | Reply

  12. Reblogged this on nuclear-news and commented:

    以上、西山さんの情報で精度の高そうなものは、瀬戸教授の内部告発による、行方不明者のうち数名が県立医大に検体として持ち込まれていた。 One other thing Prof Seto said that seemed close to the truthwas that several missing bodies that were found in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant were taken into Fukushima Medical University and kept as specimen materials.

    Comment by arclight2011part2 | April 5, 2018 | Reply

  13. […] the report in Japanese… Here is the report in English… A brand new 6.0 EARTHQUAKE JUST HIT JAPAN. ALL HELL IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE […]



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