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The IAEA tries to cover up another nuclear health issue in Europe!

 Update The real problem is for children and pregnant women near the Ringhals NPP who were under the more dense plume.


Posted by Shaun McGee

Posted to

Over the course of the last week Ringhals nuclear power plant in western Sweden has been releasing a variety of isotopes including;

Iodine 131, Cesium 134 and 137, Cobalt 60, Beryllium 7, Cerium 144, Tellurium 132


The spike that was recorded on the top right graph registered at 0.8 mcSv/h but there were gaps in the record as you can see for the days previous to that. This is indicative, I believe, of higher spikes that have been covered up by the IAEA in Germany who have access to the EURDEP main frame.

The graph on the bottom right is a reading from Finland that has a gap that hides another peak a couple of days ago.

It is interesting to note that the nuclear regulatory and monitoring group STUK from Finland released a press release on the 8th March 2016 after the radioactive plume had passed. and the small amount left in the air was measured and reported publicly. In the press release they deny knowledge of the source of the plume although they have access to the more comprehensive monitoring system that is not available to the public. The press release with the frightening headline is here; . Also, they do not mention Iodine 131 that was present in similar amounts nor do they mention the types of other isotopes that their system also measures.

The real problem is for children and pregnant women near the Ringhals NPP who were under the more dense plume. Ian Fairlie proved that these releases cause leukemia in children and other scientists like Christopher Busby would claim that there would be other health effects from these dense plumes on the population affected, both adult and children. Because the plume was occurring for nearly a week, we could assume that the downwind areas might have been Denmark, Norway, and Sweden with Finland hit to a lesser degree (At least STUK did report this nuclear incident) depending on the wind directions.

Germany would normally warn locals that a release was going to happen so people would be able to move away for a day or two until the plume dissipated. As this release from Sweden went on for a week it is likely that Ringhals NPP had some problems and this might not have been a simple refuel or SCRAM situation.

On the anniversary of Fukushima, it is obvious that European nuclear interests have tried to cover this situation up. But that didnt work this time.

Say No To Nukes! Say YES to Wind Solar! Protect our children!

I have reported this extra information to the Finland Times so that they can update the story for better accuracy (2nd attempt 🙂 )

Screenshot from 2016-03-09 03:29:52


Swedish cover up off nuclear accident/fault ??
just a quick update on my article on the Ringhals NPP in Sweden.. I contacted someone via the STUK site as to why the  radiation monitor was showing signs of switch offs etc and i did not get a response yet but instead the data was deleted from the other nearest Gottenburg monitor Eurdep.. Hmm? They are trying to blame the Russians and probably dont want RT to get hold of this info
here is the email i sent last week ,,

Dear Mr Leppänen
Due to the recent report in the Finland Times i decided to check the EURDEP mapping system to see if the report was true or not.
I found that the report was true and decided to do due diligence and checked to see if other isotopes might be present.

Using the Tool tip function yesterday I found that there was a similar amount of Iodine 131 to cesium 137 and other isotopes such as Cs 134, Cobalt 60, Beryllium 7, Cerium 144, Tellurium 132. That was all the isotopes present I could find.

I then set Eurdep to maximum and found that the nearest monitor to Rhinghals MPP in Sweden had just had a high peak to some 0.8 mcSv/h (800 nSv/h Gamma) .. On checking further it became apparent that the monitor had had data deleted going back to December 2015.

I might also point out that the monitor showed a higher level of radiation by some 15 – 20 percent (approx) after the peak that can still be seen today. I then decided to see if any activity had been seen on any other monitors that showed activity over the last week and found some corroboration in Stavanger and List in Norway (though the Eurdep map had been disconnected for Norway for some reason i accessed more accurate files from the Radnett monitoring system direct. Also gaps in the data for today on a Latvian monitor.

Then i checked the weather reports for the previous week and found that prior to the report the wind was from the west and south and only changed to coming from the east on the day of the Finland Times article. And I might point out that they said STUK were still investigating the source of the cesium. Then the story was picked up in Cyprus and that article mentioned the wind coming from the east as a possible source of contamination and no mention of the equal quantity of Iodine 131 from either article, nor any other isotopes.

I can supply screenshots of my findings but are aware that you would have access to the non public and more detailed EURDEP mapping system.
Now the isotopes are not available on the public mapping system.

As a concerned citizen, I wonder if you could clarify the situation?
My understanding is that Rhingals NPP appears to have multiple releases, possibly over some months. The iodine 131 means that the contamination is from a working reactor and the above information i have garnered points to the longevity and direction of the contamination.

Sorry to have bothered you but it is in the public interest and following Prof Ian Fairlies Peer reviewed paper on Child leukemia in children around NPP`s caused by large spikes of condensed release gases, that this situation be looked at in the interests of transparency and as a point of public safety.
Please feel free to ask me for any further information on any of my findings or thoughts on the matter.
I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely
Shaun McGee

Picture of recent eurdep map with all above data deleted from the Gottenburg radiation monitor after the email was sent ;


Screenshot from 2016-03-14 00:21:06.png



March 9, 2016 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. Reblogged this on Radiation Free Lakeland and commented:
    Thanks to Sean for the alert… Way past time to shut them all down

    Comment by mariannewildart | March 9, 2016 | Reply

  2. @Shaun McGee, Do you have screeshots of the measurements that back up your claim, “Also, they do not mention Iodine 131 that was present in similar amounts nor do they mention the types of other isotopes that their system also measures.”? Is this viewable somewhere?

    My own findings and impressions are spread over a couple blog posts !

    and many more listed under

    Kind Regards,

    Michaël Van Broekhoven (MVB)

    Comment by MVB | March 11, 2016 | Reply

    • the iodine measurements were available on the EURDEP frop down menu on the right but were not working earlier today.. the screenshots of data and graphs are posted on my FB page and i used magicseaweed for wind (you can set the date) .. Eurdep did not let me access the data pages but i used tool tip (also on the right ) and hovered over the 2 finnish iodine stations on the eurdep map also (it gives you the latest results live) .. the fb posts are between my other posts on my home page .. you will need to scroll down and open the comments to see all the comments and findings etc .. regards .. sean arclight (on fb) Namaste

      Comment by arclight2011part2 | March 11, 2016 | Reply

      • Tx. (but I don’t use FB)

        Comment by MVB | March 11, 2016

      • omigawd I hate abbreviations. can’t think wot Fb means

        Comment by Christina MacPherson | March 12, 2016

      • facebook, the NSA data entry portal for surveillance and mind control experiments

        Comment by MVB | March 12, 2016

  3. Swedish cover up off nuclear accident/fault ??
    just a quick update on my article on the Ringhals NPP in Sweden.. I contacted someone via the STUK site as to why the radiation monitor was showing signs of switch offs etc and i did not get a response yet but instead the data was deleted from the other nearest radiation monitor Gottenburg Eurdep.. Hmm? They are trying to blame the russians and probably dont want RT to get hold of this info
    smile emoticon

    here is the email i sent last week ,,
    Dear Mr Leppänen
    Due to the recent report in the Finland Times i decided to check the EURDEP mapping system to see if the report was true or not.
    I found that the report was true and decided to do due diligence and checked to see if other isotopes might be present.

    Using the Tool tip function yesterday I found that there was a similar amount of Iodine 131 to cesium 137 and other isotopes such as Cs 134, Cobalt 60, Beryllium 7, Cerium 144, Tellurium 132. That was all the isotopes present I could find.

    I then set Eurdep to maximum and found that the nearest monitor to Rhinghals MPP in Sweden had just had a high peak to some 0.8 mcSv/h (800 nSv/h Gamma) .. On checking further it became apparent that the monitor had had data deleted going back to December 2015.

    I might also point out that the monitor showed a higher level of radiation by some 15 – 20 percent (approx) after the peak that can still be seen today. I then decided to see if any activity had been seen on any other monitors that showed activity over the last week and found some corroboration in Stavanger and List in Norway (though the Eurdep map had been disconnected for Norway for some reason i accessed more accurate files from the Radnett monitoring system direct. Also gaps in the data for today on a Latvian monitor.

    Then i checked the weather reports for the previous week and found that prior to the report the wind was from the west and south and only changed to coming from the east on the day of the Finland Times article. And I might point out that they said STUK were still investigating the source of the cesium. Then the story was picked up in Cyprus and that article mentioned the wind coming from the east as a possible source of contamination and no mention of the equal quantity of Iodine 131 from either article, nor any other isotopes.

    I can supply screenshots of my findings but are aware that you would have access to the non public and more detailed EURDEP mapping system.
    Now the isotopes are not available on the public mapping system.

    As a concerned citizen, I wonder if you could clarify the situation?
    My understanding is that Rhingals NPP appears to have multiple releases, possibly over some months. The iodine 131 means that the contamination is from a working reactor and the above information i have garnered points to the longevity and direction of the contamination.

    Sorry to have bothered you but it is in the public interest and following Prof Ian Fairlies Peer reviewed paper on Child leukemia in children around NPP`s caused by large spikes of condensed release gases, that this situation be looked at in the interests of transparency and as a point of public safety.
    Please feel free to ask me for any further information on any of my findings or thoughts on the matter.
    I look forward to your response.
    Yours sincerely
    Shaun McGee

    Comment by arclight2011part2 | March 14, 2016 | Reply

  4. Reblogged this on nuclear-news and commented:

    Swedish deleted sensitive radation data? This is an Update of the story.. I sent an email to via STUK and they promptly deleted the data from EURDEP and did not respond to the email yet.. Extra information on this post UPDATED

    Comment by arclight2011part2 | March 14, 2016 | Reply

  5. […] The IAEA Tries to Cover Up Another Nuclear Health Issue in Europe […]

    Pingback by Nuclear Hotseat #247: PSR/IPPNW Report – 10,000+ Excess Cancer Cases Post-Fukushima – Thomasson, Rosen, Mousseau, Alvarez | March 16, 2016 | Reply

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