
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

Hitomi Kamanaka 鎌仲ひとみ


Published on May 26, 2013
Hitomi Kamanaka 鎌仲ひとみ
Hitomi Kamanaka is a Japanese documentary filmmaker known particularly for her films on the danger of atomic power and the nuclear industry in Japan. In 2012, she directed a movie on internal contamination where she interviews 4 doctors from Japan and Russia who studied the consequences of Hiroshima, Tchernobyl, and now Fukushima.
Hitomi Kamanaka est une réalisatrice japonaise qui fait des documentaires sur les dangers de l’énergie atomique, et l’état de l’industrie nucléaire au Japon. En 2012, elle a fait un film sur la contamination interne dans lequel elle interviewe 4 médecins japonais et russes qui ont étudié les conséquences de Hiroshima, Tchernobyl et maintenant Fukushima.
ドキュメンタリー映画監督, 鎌仲ひとみは2012年に発表した映画で、広島、チェルノビルそして福島での被曝(ひ

Interview conducted by Keiko Courdy for 霧の向こう*AU-DELA DU NUAGE°Yonaoshi 3.11_ Japan Webdoc project in Tokyo on June 18, 2012

Film maker Hitomi Kamanaka – “Sell more cheese instead of uranium!”

Uploaded on Nov 24, 2011

May 26, 2013 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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