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The Connection between Oppenheimer and Gentilly-2: Edward Teller and the H bomb.

Oppenheimer was an obstacle to the H-bomb project,”.. “That’s why they had to discredit him. And Edward Teller [at left] was the one person, more than anyone else in the scientific community, who saw Oppenheimer as an obstacle. Teller had to blacken his reputation in such a way that no one would listen to Oppenheimer any more.  

by Brigitte Trahan, Le Nouvelliste, August 11 2023

The release of the film Oppenheimer in cinemas this summer aroused the curiosity of one particular film buff, Montrealer Gordon Edwards, a world-renowned expert on nuclear issues. He’s the man the Canadian and Quebec media want to hear from when it comes to nuclear waste, atomic bombs or power plants like Gentilly-2, which Hydro-Québec is eyeing as a solution to its energy shortage.

For the president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, this film was like a trip back in time, because he had the opportunity to confront in person none other than Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb , during a 45-minute televised debate organized in Toronto in 1974.

Gordon Edwards began to become seriously involved in the anti-nuclear camp when India detonated its first nuclear bomb [in 1974].  The Government of Canada had earlier given India a 20 MW nuclear reactor for research, a reactor identical to the one [first built at Chalk River – a site currently making headlines because of the multi-billion dollar legacy of radioactive wastes there], he says. [India used the plutonium produced by that Canadian reactor as a nuclear explosive in its first atomic bomb.]

Plutonium and politics  

“All nuclear reactors produce plutonium. It doesn’t exist in nature. It is the most commonly used explosive in the world’s nuclear arsenal,” he said.  

“The first reactors were built for the sole purpose of producing plutonium for bombs. This is the case for [the first reactors at] Chalk River (in Ontario). The idea of ​​turning nuclear energy into electricity came later.” — Gordon Edwards 

Despite all the dangers it represents, nuclear energy has continued to develop in the world. 

According to Gordon Edwards, one of the main reasons is the manufacture of nuclear bombs. “Nuclear weapons are so powerful. They play a very big role in international politics,” he explains.  

A select club  

The expert recalls that one of the reasons given repeatedly by Hydro-Québec [correction: by the government of Quebec] for not closing Gentilly-2 was that it wanted to maintain a minimum level of expertise in Quebec in the nuclear field.  

According to him, “when you have a nuclear reactor, you belong to the nuclear club and you are invited to international meetings to which you would not otherwise be invited”.  

“It gives political prestige to be part of the club of nuclear powers, that is to say people who have access to plutonium. You can rub shoulders with very powerful people, very powerful corporations.” —Gordon Edwards

Blackening the Oppenheimer Name

After viewing the Oppenheimer film, Gordon Edwards had nothing but good words for the production as a whole. However, he regrets that the film “does not state very clearly the real reason why Oppenheimer’s reputation was attacked.  

“It almost is portrayed as petty revenge from people like Commissioner Strauss and Edward Teller when in fact it was all H-bomb related.  They both wanted, and Teller in particular wanted, to proceed to build a whole arsenal of H-bombs, but Oppenheimer didn’t want that. Instead, Oppenheimer said, the time had come for the world to negotiate an end to nuclear weapons and bring them under international control and thus prevent an endless cycle of arms races.” 

“Oppenheimer was an obstacle to the H-bomb project,” explains Mr. Edwards.  “That’s why they had to discredit him. And Edward Teller was the one person, more than anyone else in the scientific community, who saw Oppenheimer as an obstacle. Teller had to blacken his reputation in such a way that no one would listen to Oppenheimer any more.  

The film suggests that it was done for less important reasons,” he notes. Moreover, “the role played by Teller was greatly understated in the film. In fact, his role was much more significant in nullifying Oppenheimer’s influence,” he says.

August 17, 2023 Posted by | history, media, Reference | Leave a comment

Week to 21st August – in nuclear news

A bit of good news. Montana Rules a Healthful Environment Is a Constitutional Right.


Assange Be Weary: The Dangers of a US Plea Deal.  

Nuclear Power Plants as Targets of War — A New Worry?.

Ukraine likely to fail in key counteroffensive aim, says US intelligence. Amid ‘staggering’ Ukrainian toll and souring US polls, Biden seeks billions more for war. Why the Glut of ‘Wonder Weapons’ to Ukraine Won’t Make a Difference

Huge study of nuclear workers in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States confirms low dose radiation as a cause of cancerRisk of cancer death after exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation underestimated, suggests nuclear industry study.

Climate.  Climate Scientists warn nature’s ‘anaesthetics’ have worn off, now arth is feeling the pain, as ocean heating hits record.

Nuclear.  You’d think that the  fact that the Ukraine ‘counter-offensive’ is stalling might induce a Western mindset more favorable to the idea of a negotiated end to the war.  Not so  -the US-NATO plan is for more, and more lethal weapons.  It might even put off the idea of a war against China. But no  -and sadly, in Australia the mood among the “top people” is all for throwing $billions at preparing for the China war.  (The bottom people aren’t consulted) 

Christina notes. Bribery and Blackmail: these are the tools for continuing success of the nuclear industry.  Perfecting “planned obsolescence” – how the USA and its allies’ taxpayers are locked into perpetual buying of useless weapons.

CLIMATE. The nuclear icebreakers enabling drilling in Russia’s Arctic .


ENERGY. US climate law introduces billion-dollar ‘game-changer’ for nonprofits.

ENVIRONMENT. Anger as Hinkley Point C allowed to discharge sewage into Bristol Channel and drop fish protection.

ETHICS and RELIGION. The Oppenheimer Imperative: Normalising Atomic TerrorJapanese and US Bishops pledge partnership for a nuclear-free world. Poisoning the planet. Big Brave Western Proxy Warriors Keep Whining That Ukrainian Troops Are Cowards.

HEALTH. Japan mothers’ group fears Fukushima water release could revive health concerns.

LEGAL.  For What Crime? – Good Journalism?.     Marshall Islands reacts to US expansion of nuclear compensation.

MEDIA. The Connection between Oppenheimer and Gentilly-2: Edward Teller and the H bomb

NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY. Risks of further delays at Hinkley Point C, EDF warns. Even the UK’s very first small nuclear reactor could  could not be decided upon until 2029   . Nuclear Fusion: Energy Breakthrough or Ballyhoo?.

OPPOSITION to NUCLEAR . South Korea’s opposition party to file UN complaint against Japan over nuclear waste .

PERSONAL STORIES. The Financial Legacy of the Nuclear Tests on Bikini Atoll/



PROTESTS. Gwynedd anti-nuclear march ‘sent powerful message’. Japanese citizens’ group protests nuclear discharge.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Risky Rule Change Ignores History. More Nuclear Emergency Planning Needed, Not Less. 

Power-Line Cut Raises Alarm Over Russian-Held Nuclear Plant In Ukraine, But Expert Says Little Has Changed. Russia And Ukraine Trade Blame Over Outages At Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Plant.

SECRETS and LIESMost ‘experts’ pushing for endless conflict in Ukraine share a common benefactor.

WASTES. Japan’s nuclear plants are short of storage for spent fuel. A remote town could have the solution.

WAR and CONFLICT. Ralph Nader: Develop an Exit Strategy for the Endless War in Ukraine. The Inevitable Defeat: Retired US Colonel Speaks Candidly On Ukraine’s Losing Battle Against Russia. Back in another quagmire – in Biden’s relentless “Big Muddy” of Ukraine.   US, Finland Negotiating Defense Agreement That Would See Deployment of American Troops.

Niger is Far From a Typical Coup.


August 21, 2023 Posted by | Christina's notes | 2 Comments