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Endless Trump reporting in USA media, but very little reporting of genocide in Gaza

Why so little reporting of genocide in Gaza?

Walt Zlotow, 22 May 24

If you only watch mainstream news, cable and network, you may not even be aware the US is enabling Israel’s grotesque genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. There’s a couple of reasons for that.

The entire commercial media has largely scrubbed reporting on genocide there. To cover it would reveal US complicity in the first major genocide of the 21st century, destroying any semblance of a livable existence for 2,300,000 Palestinians. Why expose the truth which doesn’t fit the now debunked narrative of American exceptionalism and decency round the world.

But there’s a more ghoulish reason scenes of genocide in Gaza are missing from the American version of Pravda. Israel is killing as many reporters on the ground as US 2,000 lb. bombs can obliterate. In the first 7 months of the genocide, 143 Palestinian reporters have been killed. That is more reporters than were killed in WWII and Vietnam War combined. But worse, it only includes credentialed reporters, not the many uncredited bloggers, writers and their family members killed along with them.

As in previous Israeli campaigns in Gaza, virtually all international media professionals are barred from entering Gaza to ensure Israeli crimes against the entire Palestinian people go unreported. Israel also imposes a gag order on its own journalists who might dare report the truth of its 8 month long genocide enabled by America. Just this week Israeli authorities seized Associated Press broadcasting equipment in southern Israel and blocked the outlet’s live feed of Gaza.

Turn on the endless loop of Trump trial coverage that passes for informing the American public and ponder: ‘If the genocide in Gaza is not being covered…does that mean it’s not happening?’

May 23, 2024 - Posted by | media, USA

1 Comment »

  1. The so called “Fake,” “Failing,” “Liberal,” “Mainstream News Media,” only covers what boosts their viewership or subscribership so they can charge higher fees to advertisers. Only the content that “captures eyeballs,” viewer or readership, that is the bottom line, not informing the public or holding candidates, politician, the government or corporate CEO’s accountable. They don’t inform the public on what they can do to fight back against government abuse, corporate abuse, corruption, ineptitude, incompetence or suggest any alternatives. Sensationalism, ratings & higher ad revenue are all that matters. The 1st Amendment, democracy, the rule of law, the free press and a vision of a better way don’t sell soap.

    Comment by paulrodenlearning | May 24, 2024 | Reply

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