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Biden staffers give the boss a lesson in humanity

Walt Zlotow, West Suburban Peace Coalition, Glen Ellyn IL

Wednesday night, dozens of President Biden’s employees held a vigil outside the White House. They called for a lasting cease-fire in Gaza to protest their Chief’s near total support, in weapons and words, of Israel’s genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza.

Protesters wore sunglasses and masks to hide their identities in fear of losing their administration jobs; indeed destroying their government careers.

Their protest was the most visible pushback from government workers to Biden’s grotesque involvement enabling the destruction of Gaza and its 2.3 million beleaguered Palestinians.

In November, over 700 political appointees sent Biden a letter demanding he support an immediate, permanent cease-fire to stop the killing, and resume humanitarian aid. Earlier this month over 40 White House interns sent Biden a letter condemning Israel’s genocidal response to the October 7 attack and imploring Biden to support a permanent cease-fire.

Did you read those letters from political appointees and lowly interns, Mr. President? Did you peer thru the White House windows to view people, with more courage and decency than you could imagine, beseeching you to end the madness of your war policies?

Along with those hundreds of courageous government workers, the whole world, save for the leaders of America and Israel, are pondering when President Biden will reclaim his humanity.

December 18, 2023 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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