
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

Nuclear, and climate, news to 4th December

Some bits of good news.   England’s rainforests breathed easier.       Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: A Bright Constellation in a Very Dark Sky.


Plot to Triple Nuclear Power by 2050 Decried as ‘Dangerous Distraction’ at COP28

Ralph Nader -on Israel’s Genocidal Antisemitism Against the Arab Civilians of Gaza

Small modular nuclear reactors: a history of failure. 

Drones Target Ukrainian, Russian Nuclear Facilities.


Climate. We cannot afford to have a bad COP” – Mary Robinson.      COP28: UAE planned to use climate talks to make oil deals. Climate summit in an oil state: can COP28 change anything?Bah Humbug!– to COP Climate Conference sponsored by Dubai, an oil & natural gas nation.  COP28: Hopes of fossil fuel ‘phase out’ hit by revelations of Saudi plan to boost oil demand.       Cop28: what to expect from the Dubai climate change conference- (behind a pay wall, but read it on      How wealthy countries, l(ike U.S., Canada, Australia, and Norway)evade responsibility for their fossil fuel exports. Why the UN Report is right to say we’re heading for at least 3 degrees of warming. ‘Progress this decade is critical’: Why a 1.5C world hinges on doubling down on energy efficiency.

Christina notes.   Have you noticed? The nuclear lobby is swamping the news media with its false “nuclear for climate”message.     COP 28 A sorry tale of climate hypocrisy

Nuclear. It’s full on nuclear propaganda time.  It’s all in the wording. At COP 28,   20 countries signed up to promote nuclear. 179 COUNTRIES DID NOT SIGN UP TO PROMOTE NUCLEAR.


  CLIMATE. DOUBLING DOWN ON NUCLEAR POWER IS NO SOLUTION TO CLIMATE CRISIS. Nuclear vs. Climate: Is nuclear power needed to contain the climate crisis?                                 John Kerry at Cop28 to lobby for the nuclear industry.             Nuclear lobby’s big push to ‘shine’ at COP28.


EMPLOYMENT. Swiss nuclear power plants are running out of staff.

ETHICS and RELIGION. Holy See advocates collaboration on nuclear disarmament.

LEGAL. Musk’s Lawsuit Is About Destroying Free Speech.      Portland nuclear power startup NuScale hit with investor lawsuit.

NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY. Nuclear Power Expansion Predictions FailedSMRs two examples: NuScale in the US, NUWARD in France . Can thorium solve the nuclear problem? That’s doubtful.

OPPOSITION to NUCLEAR . Halt the US-Philippines Nuclear Deal –Sign on to Letter to US Congress – Full statement and sign on:

PERSONAL STORIES‘Let us be a lesson’, say Kazakhs wary of return to nuclear testing.

POLITICS. UK government hopes that United Arab Emirates will invest in Sizewell C nuclear power plan. Energy-rich Scotland does not require any nuclear power stationsNuclear energy in Philippines? Group says there’s not even a Filipino expert on safety, radiation. Sweden to slug tax-payers for the costs of small nuclear reactors, and big ones. Sovereignty Surrendered: Subordinating Australia’s Defence Industry

POLITICS INTERNATIONAL and DIPLOMACY. Second meeting of states parties agrees nuclear deterrence is the problemUK’s Sizewell C Nuclear stake seized from China may go to United Arab Emirates. (behind a pay wall, but read it on nuclear-news.netTELL THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES NOT TO INVEST IN SIZEWELL C.

PUBLIC OPINION. Renewable or nuclear? What your energy preference says about you – public opinion.

SAFETY. Closer to nuclear plant than ever, latest Korean quake renews calls to retire aging reactors.       Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power station shuts down again. Incidents.       IAEA experts record explosions near two Ukrainian nuclear power plantsZaporizhzhia nuclear plant suffered power outage, energy ministry says. Freezing consequences for Mississippi River as nuclear units down.

SPACE. EXPLORATION, WEAPONSSpaceX rockets keep tearing blood-red ‘atmospheric holes’ in the sky, and scientists are concerned.

SPINBUSTER. Nuclear lobby’s latest gimmick – making nuclear BEAUTIFUL !

WASTES. A blank cheque for France’s Industrial Centre for Geological Disposal (Cigéo) does not prove that it is safe.     How to Scrap the First-Ever Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier: USS Enterprise?          A sobering analysis of the Canadian plan for small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) and their toxic waste problem..

WAR and CONFLICT. President Biden has morphed into the Murder Monster. The New York Times Reports Gaza Civilians ‘Are Being Killed at Historic Pace’Israel’s Savagery Is So Shocking It’s Sometimes Hard To Take In. 

A Nuclear Attack by Design — or by Accident — Must Never Happen. A planned US-Israeli attack on Iran is contemplated. AI and the Bomb: Nuclear Strategy and Risk in the Digital Age.    URANIUM WARHEAD POISONING IS THE SPECIALTY OF US AGAINST RUSSIANS, ISRAEL AGAINST PALESTINIANS.

WEAPONS and WEAPONS SALESUS nuclear bombs ‘set to return to UK‘ for first time in 15 years – making Lakenheath a “nuclear target”.       U.S. to Develop Unanticipated New Nuclear BombPentagon struggling to pay for Middle East buildup – Politico.        The Military’s Big Bet on Artificial Intelligence.       ‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza.     US Sent Israel 15,000 Bombs Since October 7. Australia’s AUKUS nuclear submarines could fuel regional arms race despite assurance.

December 4, 2023 - Posted by | Christina's notes

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