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Senator Durbin did not call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Walt Zlotow 6 Nov 23 , West Suburban Peace Coalition, Glen Ellyn IL 

My senator Dick Durbin got lots of press over being the first senator to call for ceasefire in Gaza. But unlike his 13 colleagues in the House calling for immediate ceasefire, Durbin simply followed standard US policy…give us everything we want before we give you anything.

His direct quote refutes any attempt to achieve an immediate ceasefire to end the relentless destruction and ethnic cleansing of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza:

At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those kidnapped should be part of this — immediate release. That should be the beginning of it.” 

Just like with US policy toward Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria and others, Durbin is simply pushing America’s Zero Sum Game…We win, you lose. Should the hostages be released, Israel will have an even freer hand in turning all of Gaza into rubble.

That policy has failed in every US diplomatic initiative worldwide. It will fail in Gaza, possibly ending with all 2.3 million Palestinians, all but those not dead, ending up in the Sinai Desert.

November 7, 2023 - Posted by | politics, USA

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