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Can America afford a new nuclear weapons buildup?

by William D. Hartung / Tribune Content Agency, 5 Nov 23

Even as the Pentagon budget soars toward $1 trillion per year and President Joe Biden is seeking a $100 billion-plus emergency spending package to, among other things, provide military aid to Ukraine and Israel, a new congressional commission report has suggested spending even more. This time the money would go toward a dangerous and unnecessary nuclear weapons buildup that could devour huge quantities of tax dollars for years to come.

The panel, which officially goes by the rather intimidating name of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States, wants to pave the way for a future president to increase or replace virtually every element of America’s nuclear arsenal, from nuclear-armed missiles and submarines to new nuclear warheads. ……………………… (Subscribers only) #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes

November 7, 2023 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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