
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

Nuclear (and other) news this week

Some bits of good news:  Abandoned Ohio Golf Course Being Rewilded into Public Land with Native Fish and Wildlife Returning.  There was an ‘outbreak of common sense’ in England.    A teen started an ambitious coral reef restoration project that’s planted more than 50,000 corals in French Polynesia and Fiji.   The world has made substantial progress in increasing basic levels of education.

TOP STORIESThe Invisible Slaughter of Palestinian Children     Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza. Israel in Search of Its Hiroshima: Massive Bomb Wipes Out 20 Apt. Buildings, Kills, Wounds 400 Civilians. 

Book review of “Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-Level Nuclear Waste”.

ClimateDeep divisions could hamper progress at the UN’s crucial COP28 climate summit. Future of fossil fuels leaves nations at odds ahead of UN climate summit. We can now stay under 1.5°C target only if we achieve net zero by 2034

Nuclear -sort of off the radar at the moment, though the Middle East could soon be on the brink.  But -nuclear power – no connection with weapons?   As the media hypes up small nuclear reactors.

Christina Notes. Let’s just bust all those comfortable Panglossian lies and stupidities.  The Atlas Network and its toxic messages to the Stink Tanks.   (Wow – at last my site is now labelled “suspicious”)


ARTS and CULTURE. As The Lights Go Out In Gaza.

CLIMATE. Storm Ciarán: Hinkley Point C workers transported off site.Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament : Nuclear war, conventional war and climate change are linked.

CIVIL LIBERTIES. UK poised to brand dissent as ‘extremism’ .


ENERGY. Nuclear plays minor role in IEA World Energy Outlook 2023.          Environmental Advocates fear New Hampshire “clean” nuclear energy proposal would pit nuclear against solar, wind.        Solar panel advances will see millions go off grid, scientists predict.

ENVIRONMENT. Ocean. China calls for a long-term international monitoring mechanism for Fukushima nuclear-contaminated wastewater . Dounreay: New two radioactive particles found at Sandside beach.

ETHICS and RELIGION. The Moral Complexities Of Bombing A Concentration Camp Full Of Children.

LEGAL. 1,500+ Israelis Urge International Criminal Court Action on ‘War Crimes and Genocide’ in Gaza. Together Against Sizewell C wait on outcome of battle with government over new nuclear power plant. Sizewell C campaigners wait for ruling on latest court fight over nuclear plant. Court of Appeal hearing into Sizewell C set to begin. Sizewell C nuclear plant project disputed at Court of Appeal.

MEDIA. Media Manufactures Consent for Gaza Genocide. When the Journalists are Gone, the Stories Will Disappear.

NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY. Bad guys and bombs: The nuclear risks of small modular reactors.

OPPOSITION to NUCLEAR . Nuclear Ban Treaty Members to Meet in November.

PERSONAL STORIES ‘Nobody Believes in Our Victory Like I Do.’ Inside Volodymyr Zelensky’s Struggle to Keep Ukraine in the Fight. The cost of America’s nuclear arsenal: Taking care of our atomic veterans.


POLITICS INTERNATIONAL and DIPLOMACY. U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine. EU may become complicit in ‘genocide’ – Spanish official. China agrees to nuclear arms-control talks with US -WSJ. Macron pursues nuclear deals in Russia’s back yard. A small victory for nuclear justice. And international cooperation.

PROTESTS. Worldwide protests against Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

SAFETY. Nuclear plant problems have happened across the planet, and aging facilities across USA still pose a major threat. How well protected are Ukraine’s nuclear power plants3-day evacuation drill at Niigata nuclear plant called ‘useless’. Two more Japanese nuclear reactors granted 20-year extensions. Switzerland continues its nuclear safety awareness with iodine pills distributed to the population .

SECRETS and LIESBiden Wants Arms Deals With Israel to Be Done in Complete SecrecyChris Hedges: Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians.

SPACE. EXPLORATION, WEAPONS. Number of planned low-orbit satellites NOW EXCEEDS ONE MILLION.

SPINBUSTER. There’s Only So Much Propaganda Spin You Can Put On The Murder Of Thousands Of Children.

WASTES. Nuclear Waste Management market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 1.4% by 2034: Visiongain. Deb Katz: There’s no end in sight to the crisis in nuclear wasteDecommissioning: Magnox rebrands to Nuclear Restoration Services as its decommissioning portfolio expands. 300 scientists call for finding safe site to store nuclear waste.

WAR and CONFLICT. Israel Rejects US-Proposed Temporary Halt to Fighting.  Netanyahu Rejects Calls for Ceasefire as Gaza Death Toll Surpasses 8,300.       A Dangerous Conflation -an open letter from Jewish writers. Rights group: Israel dropped equivalent to 2 nuclear bombs on Gaza.       Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 29: Israel Hits Hospitals, Ambulances, and Schools Across Gaza.      Israeli minister Amichai Eliyahu says nuclear attack on Gaza is ‘an option‘.      NewsReal: Ukraine War Ends, Mid-East War Begins? Why America is Shifting Gears.  Targeting Gaza From US Spy Hub in Australia. 


November 7, 2023 Posted by | Christina's notes | Leave a comment

Biden Wants Arms Deals With Israel to Be Done in Complete Secrecy

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Josh Paul, a former top State Department official.

By Sharon Zhang , TRUTHOUT November 2, 2023,

In a highly unusual move, the White House has requested for it to be able to conduct arms deals with Israel in complete secrecy, without oversight from Congress or the public — in a time when the U.S. is supporting a military that experts say has been committing war crimes in Gaza and beyond.

The White House made the request within a $106 billion supplemental defense funding request sent on October 20. As reported by Women for Weapons Trade Transparency for In These Times, the White House is asking for up to $3.5 billion in military funding for Israel to be able to purchase weapons and other equipment, from sources like the U.S. military or U.S. defense contractors, without the spending having to be approved by or even disclosed to Congress.

Crucially, such notifications to Congress are also logged in the Federal Register, where they are viewable to the public — but the White House is trying to get rid of that transparency for Israel for funding through September 2025 and potentially beyond if Israel chooses to set aside funding before then.

Experts have said that the move is alarming and rare. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Josh Paul, the former director of congressional and public affairs for the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs in the State Department, told In These Times. Within the State Department, where he worked for 11 years, Paul helped the bureau in its work on arms deals and resigned in protest of a push to increase arms sales to Israel amid its genocidal siege on Gaza.

​“A proposal in a legislative request to Congress to waive Congressional notification entirely for [Foreign Military Financing ]-funded Foreign Military Sales or Direct Commercial Contracts is unprecedented in my experience,” Paul said. “Frankly, [it’s] an insult to Congressional oversight prerogatives.”

Paul added that the White House is already allowed to unilaterally approve foreign military transactions in “emergency” situations but still has to notify Congress. The move, then, seems calculated to specifically create opacity around Israel sales. “This doesn’t actually reduce the time, it just reduces the oversight,” he said.

John Ramming Chappell, advocacy and legal fellow on U.S. issues for the Center for Civilians in Conflict, told In These Times that Congress should reject the White House’s request. “The waiver would further undermine meaningful scrutiny of weapons sales on Capitol Hill at a time when U.S. support is enabling bombings that have killed thousands of civilians,” Chappell said.

The request comes as the Biden administration has sought to crush dissent on its support of Israel, even within its own ranks. A new report by HuffPost published Thursday found that Biden officials are sidelining work within the State Department on the atrocities that Israel is committing in Gaza, seeking to seemingly cover up the issue and disallow employees from speaking up against the genocide.

Citing Paul and five workers within the agency, the outlet reports that State Department staff have been told by higher ups that they are not going to be able to move the needle on the executive branch’s approach to Israel, no matter their credentials or the horrific things they report coming out of Gaza.

The workers say work from staff on conditions in Gaza is being ignored — perhaps like a recent internal State Department report finding that over 80,000 babies under six months and pregnant people in Gaza are being forced to drink contaminated or brackish water due to Israel’s blockade.

Rather, State Department staff told HuffPost, the administration seems to be sweeping aside evidence of the humanitarian crisis and genocide, even from its own staff, in favor of fealty to Israel’s fascistic military and leaders. At listening sessions within the agency, discussion about the genocide is redirected to fears of antisemitism, while some staff, particularly Muslim workers, say that they feel like they have to censor themselves.

This culture of silence is happening even as senior agency officials may acknowledge in private that Israel is committing war crimes, according to the report. “Over the past weeks, as I have heard from numerous officials across both the executive and legislative branches, it has become clear to me that many senior leaders not only fully understand how Israel is currently using U.S.-provided arms in Gaza, but are even, behind closed doors, willing to acknowledge that these actions include ‘war crimes,’” Paul told HuffPost. “The fact that none are willing to do so publicly … points to a deep moral rot in our system.” #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes #Israel #Palestine

November 7, 2023 Posted by | secrets,lies and civil liberties, USA | Leave a comment

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 29: Israel Hits Hospitals, Ambulances, and Schools Across Gaza

Israel targeted an ambulance convoy at al-Shifa hospital, while other schools and hospitals were targeted as Israel doubles down on lifesaving civilian infrastructure. Meanwhile, Palestinian workers from Gaza return, recounting torture.

SCHEERPOST, By Mondoweiss Palestine Bureau / Mondoweiss 5 Nov 23


  • 9,448 Palestinians killed, including 3,900 children, and 24,158 wounded in Gaza
  • 145 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem


  • Israel claims attack on ambulance convoy at al-Shifa hospital, killing at least 15 people.
  • Israeli forces bomb at least one other hospital and an UNRWA school where thousands had taken shelter, as UNRWA warns that UN flag “cannot even provide [Palestinians] safety.”
  • Thousands of Palestinian workers who were arbitrarily detained after October 7 are deported back to Gaza, and recount violent beatings, interrogation, and imprisonment.
  • ‘Alarming’ Israeli army and settler violence continues in the occupied West Bank, as at least one Palestinian teenager is killed.
  • Several Arab states hold a meeting in Jordan on Saturday, set to meet with U.S. envoy.
  • Honduras recalls its ambassador to Israel over its “genocide” in Gaza.
  • Pro-Palestine activists prevent U.S. military ship believed to be headed to Israel from leaving Oakland, California port.
  • National March on Washington, D.C. scheduled for Saturday to call for a ceasefire in Gaza


Israel’s brutal bombardment of Gaza somehow reached further lows nearly a month on, as the army attacked an ambulance convoy outside al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on Friday, killing 15 people and injuring 60, the Gaza Ministry of Health said. One of those killed has been identified as journalist Haitham Hararah.

The ambulances were due to transfer a number of injured people through to the Rafah crossing to receive medical treatment in Egypt. While 28 people were due to enter Egypt on Friday, 11 of them were blocked from leaving Gaza because of the attack on al-Shifa.

Unlike some other attacks on medical facilities, the Israeli army promptly claimed responsibility for the airstrike, claiming that the ambulances were used by Hamas — an allegation that the Gaza Ministry of Health forcefully rejected, noting that at least 27 ambulances, and 105 health institutions have been targeted by Israel in the past four weeks. Some 150 health personnel have been killed, while 16 hospitals and 32 primary care centers have been put out of service by airstrikes and dire fuel shortages, it added………………………………………….

Meanwhile U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was “horrified”. “Now, for nearly one month, civilians in Gaza, including children and women, have been besieged, denied aid, killed, and bombed out of their homes,” Guterres said. “This must stop.”

The airstrike at al-Shifa was far from the only Israeli attack on spaces defined as “protected civilian objects” under international law in the span of 24 hours.

On Saturday, the Gaza Ministry of Health reported that another strike had hit Al-Nasr children’s hospital in Gaza City, killing at least two people……………………………………………………………………………………….. more #Israel #Palestine

November 7, 2023 Posted by | weapons and war | Leave a comment

Israel’s Netanyahu suspends minister for suggesting a nuclear weapons option in Gaza

Bulletin, By John Mecklin | November 5, 2023

A junior, far-right minister in the Israeli government was suspended indefinitely on Sunday after he suggested that it would be “an option” for Israel to use a nuclear weapon in Gaza. In a statement posted to the X social media site (formerly Twitter), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu’s comments were “not based in reality” and that Israel’s defense forces would continue to follow international law in their Gaza operations. Although the minister later contended that his radio comments were “metaphorical,” Netanyahu quickly suspended Eliyahu from cabinet meetings “until further notice.”………………………………………

Eliyahu’s radio interview was denounced across the Arab world, the Reuters news service reported, with the League of Arab States saying: “The racist statements of Israeli Minister Eliyahu are revealing. Not only does he admit that they possess a nuclear weapon, but he also confirms the reality of the Israelis’ abhorrent racist view towards the Palestinian people.” The Arab News reported that Saudi Arabia condemned Eliyahu’s remarks “in the strongest terms.” According to the Saudi newspaper, the kingdom’s foreign ministry said such remarks show the penetration of “extremism and brutality among members of the Israeli government” and only suspending, rather than dismissing Eliyahu “constitutes the utmost disregard for all human standards and values.”

Israel maintains a policy of neither confirming nor denying it has a nuclear arsenal. In their long-running Nuclear Notebook column, Federation of American Scientists experts Hans Kristensen and Matt Korda estimated in 2022 that Israel had a nuclear stockpile of approximately 90 warheads. #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes #Israel #Palestine

November 7, 2023 Posted by | politics | Leave a comment

Solar panel advances will see millions go off grid, scientists predict

Solar energy costs have fallen 90 per cent over the last decade, while new discoveries have seen efficiency rates rise

Anthony Cuthbertson

 More than 30 million homes in Europe could meet all their energy needs
using rooftop solar panels alone, according to a new study. Researchers
from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany found that more than
50 per cent of Europe’s 41 million freestanding homes could have been
self-sufficient in 2020 using just solar and batteries, with this figure
expected to rise to 75 per cent by 2050.

Advances with solar technology
mean that it will also make it economically viable for a portion of these
freestanding single-family homes to abandon the electrical grid altogether
in the coming decades. Rather than abandoning the grid altogether, however,
the researchers said it would make more sense at a macroeconomic scale for
households to remain connected and feed excess energy back to other users
during times of overproduction.

 Independent 3rd Nov 2023 #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes

November 7, 2023 Posted by | renewable | Leave a comment

Storm Ciarán: Hinkley Point C workers transported off site

By Jamie Grover@jamiegrover9

 HINKLEY Point C workers are set to be transported off site imminently as
works have been paused due to the threat posed by Storm Ciarán. A bus
fleet will work to relocate the majority of the 10,000 workers on site, as
all but essential works have come to a halt as a result of the adverse
weather conditions. The office-based staff will continue working as normal,
and the nightshift is expected to continue as scheduled. A spokesperson for
the Hinkley Point C project said: “We will continue to monitor the
situation closely.”

 Bridgwater Mercury 2nd Nov 2023 #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes #climatechange

November 7, 2023 Posted by | climate change, UK | Leave a comment

Together Against Sizewell C wait on outcome of battle with government over new nuclear power plant

On 1st and 2nd November, the Court of Appeal heard Together Against Sizewell C’s challenge to the development consent for the Sizewell C nuclear power station. The issues of the case are whether the Secretary of State should have assessed the environmental impacts of the power station together with its potable water supply as a single project or, failing that, whether he should have assessed the cumulative effects of the two projects.

TASC Chair, Jenny Kirtley said “As one of the Justices pointed out during one and a half days of legal arguments, in a worse case scenario Kwasi Kwarteng’s decision to grant Sizewell C development consent without identifying or assessing its essential potable water supply could result in a brand new £30 billion+ ‘gleaming power station’ on Suffolk’s Heritage Coast which may never be able to operate. How can granting Sizewell C consent, on the hope that a sustainable and environmentally acceptable supply will someday be found, be lawful?”

Paul Collins, Chair of Stop Sizewell C said “Given the uncertainties that remain around Sizewell C, not only its water but other aspects of the project too, it’s nothing short of scandalous that it has already sucked up over a billion pounds of taxpayers’ money. Potential investors should stay well clear and the government should cut its losses and not waste any more of our hard-earned cash on this risky, damaging project.”

Rachel Fulcher from Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth said Rachel Fulcher of Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth said: “Our members are heart-broken that Sizewell C Co. is continuing to clear hundreds of acres of the site and its environs, thereby destroying irreplaceable wildlife habitats, even before the outcome of the legal challenge is known.” #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes

November 7, 2023 Posted by | Legal, UK | Leave a comment

NewsReal: Ukraine War Ends, Mid-East War Begins? Why America is Shifting Gears, Sun, 05 Nov 2023

Anglo-American legacy media this week “quietly” announced an “end” to the Ukraine War, informing – correctly, for the first time since February 2022 – Western audiences that Kiev doesn’t stand a chance militarily against Russia, that Zelensky is “deluded” and “messianic” about recovering the four provinces lost to Russia, and that American and European leaders have begun pushing him to enter negotiations with Moscow.

So, peace on Earth?!

Given current events in the Middle East, not least the Israeli obliteration of Gaza and the major deployment of US warships and forces in Israel and on the surrounding seas, it’s more likely that the US Empire is ‘pivoting’ from Ukraine only because it considers the job there ‘done’ and now has bigger goals in sight………. more #Ukraine #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes #Israel #Palestine

November 7, 2023 Posted by | Ukraine, weapons and war | Leave a comment

We can now only stay under 1.5°C target if we achieve net zero by 2034

The amount of carbon dioxide we can still emit to have just a 50 per cent
chance of limiting warming to 1.5°C is even smaller than previously

To have just a 50/50 chance of limiting warming to 1.5°C, the
world must keep future emissions to about 220 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide,
according to the latest estimate. With annual emissions at around 40
gigatonnes and still rising, we are on course to exceed this by 2029 or

As a result, keeping that 1.5°C goal alive now requires us to hit
net-zero globally by 2034 rather than by 2050, says Joeri Rogelj at
Imperial College London. “There are no social or technical scenarios in
the scientific literature that even describe how that would be possible.”

However, it is still feasible to limit warming to well below 2°C, says
Robin Lamboll, also at Imperial College. To have a 50/50 chance of keeping
warming to 2°C, the world must not emit more than 1200 gigatonnes of CO2
(GtCO2). This wouldn’t be exceeded until 2046 if emissions continue at
current levels.

 New Scientist 30th Oct 2023

November 7, 2023 Posted by | climate change | Leave a comment

Showboating for War: Johnson and Morrison in Israel

November 7, 2023,  Dr Binoy Kampmark,

Banished Prime Ministers are an irritation. They clog the airwaves of punditry with their views about how things were and how things should be. But even there, degrees of severity and competence should be observed. The more noble sorts would pursue the goals of peace, even as they bag large wads of cash in stating the obvious. With former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and his disgraced counterpart from the UK, Boris Johnson, the cash is being forked out for war.

That Israeli authorities thought it suitable to invite these two men to bolster their war against Hamas shows a degree of deep desperation. Johnson, a serial rule breaker when it came to his own government’s pandemic regulations, was forced to resign as PM by his own Conservative party in June this year. He proved to be persistently and pathologically mendacious, a ragtag mix of contemptuousness and buffoonery.

Only Australia’s own Morrison could have possibly kept up, secretly commandeering, without knowledge of his own Cabinet, up to five different ministries in addition to his own. Despite losing the May 2022 election to Labor’s Anthony Albanese, he remains a sitting federal member, when not avidly think-tanking for anti-China causes and the US imperium.

As Gaza City is being systematically liquidated, pulverised, demolished and destroyed by Israeli firepower, these two men have decided to cheer matters on with their equivalent of pompoms and drums. The Israeli Defence Force needs all the help it can get in destroying any vestige of Palestinian political power in the small settlement, and history lessons are not what interests them. While Johnson is infinitely more informed about history than Morrison, both were united in their cheap showboating exercise.

Their Israeli hosts, assured that they would never be questioned, took the men to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, the place where 100 residents met their fate at the hands of the al-Qassam Brigade, the military wing of Hamas, on October 7. Here was a chance to compress and cleanse history, to give it that ethical clarity Morrison and Johnson always resisted as prime ministers. It was Johnson’s wish that the world would be able to see what had taken place “so people could be under no illusion about the savagery, the sadism, the lack of humanity of Hamas terrorists.”

That word, again: humanity. The humanity exorcised from any assessment of Palestinian worth, sovereignty, liberty. A humanity reserved for a certain type of privileged victimhood, one rarified in the cool atmosphere of exceptionalism known as God’s chosen people drawn from a document part fiction, part history. It follows that the retaliatory steps taken in prosecuting any response will be justified. “Of course,” Johnson emphasises, “it is right for Israel to take the necessary steps… to stop that happening again.”

On Channel 12 news, Johnson stressed the need to keep the moral compass steady and free of any regard for the Palestinians or their cause: “[S]ince that appalling massacre of October 7, you’re seeing a kind of fog descend, a moral fog, and I just want to remind people of the absolute barbarism of what took place and to make it clear that Israel has the right to defend itself.” With emphasis, he stated that, “There can be no moral equivalence between the terrorism of Hamas and the actions of the Israeli Defence Forces.”

When given the chance to talk about pursuing a ceasefire in the name of ecumenical grace, Johnson was curt. Think of those 240 hostages held by Hamas. “[W]hen you have a crime of this scale, and when there’s the possibility of it happening again, I don’t think it’s the business of the world to tell Israel to stop.” Forget international law, humanitarian restraint on the use of force, proportionate response, and conduct might just find itself within the margins of the tolerable.

Morrison, for his part, saw the trip as “an opportunity to understand firsthand what is occurring on the ground, honour those who have been lost, show support for those who have suffered and are now engaged in this terrible conflict and discuss how to move forward.” He also argued against a ceasefire, as this would only “advantage Hamas to be able to strengthen their positions and make this war go on for even longer”.

As for the matter of making sure the attacks of October 7 are never repeated, the point is all too obvious. It will keep happening again with dreary, bloody predictability. If not next year, then the next decade. Or generation. Eliminating Hamas will simply be a bloody pruning exercise verging on genocide, allowing fresh vegetation to thrive. The forest of vengeance will continue to grow; the thousands of children who survive will never forgive the IDF for what they have done and continue to do. Each dead family brings with it a family of converts for the Palestinian cause. Israel’s publicity relations wonks would be best advised to pay Johnson and Morrison and wish them on their merry way. #Israel #Palestine

November 7, 2023 Posted by | Israel, politics international | Leave a comment

Court of Appeal: Together Against Sizewell v Sec of State for Energy Security

 It could be some time before we know the outcome of the one and a half day
hearing on Sizewell C. Together Against Sizewell C’s KC, David Wolfe, gave
a strong performance and we recommend watching his summing up, 25 minutes
before the end – accessed through the latest of the three videos of this
case. The lead Justice concluded by saying “you’ve given us a lot to think


Court of Appeal 3rd Nov 2023

November 7, 2023 Posted by | Legal, UK | Leave a comment

Senator Durbin did not call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Walt Zlotow 6 Nov 23 , West Suburban Peace Coalition, Glen Ellyn IL 

My senator Dick Durbin got lots of press over being the first senator to call for ceasefire in Gaza. But unlike his 13 colleagues in the House calling for immediate ceasefire, Durbin simply followed standard US policy…give us everything we want before we give you anything.

His direct quote refutes any attempt to achieve an immediate ceasefire to end the relentless destruction and ethnic cleansing of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza:

At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those kidnapped should be part of this — immediate release. That should be the beginning of it.” 

Just like with US policy toward Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria and others, Durbin is simply pushing America’s Zero Sum Game…We win, you lose. Should the hostages be released, Israel will have an even freer hand in turning all of Gaza into rubble.

That policy has failed in every US diplomatic initiative worldwide. It will fail in Gaza, possibly ending with all 2.3 million Palestinians, all but those not dead, ending up in the Sinai Desert.

November 7, 2023 Posted by | politics, USA | Leave a comment

Can America afford a new nuclear weapons buildup?

by William D. Hartung / Tribune Content Agency, 5 Nov 23

Even as the Pentagon budget soars toward $1 trillion per year and President Joe Biden is seeking a $100 billion-plus emergency spending package to, among other things, provide military aid to Ukraine and Israel, a new congressional commission report has suggested spending even more. This time the money would go toward a dangerous and unnecessary nuclear weapons buildup that could devour huge quantities of tax dollars for years to come.

The panel, which officially goes by the rather intimidating name of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States, wants to pave the way for a future president to increase or replace virtually every element of America’s nuclear arsenal, from nuclear-armed missiles and submarines to new nuclear warheads. ……………………… (Subscribers only) #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes

November 7, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment