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Newbie US Speaker Johnson kisses war party’s ring

Walt Zlotow, , West Suburban Peace Coalition, Glen Ellyn IL  1 Nov 23

That didn’t take long. Within a week of his surprise election as GOP House Speaker, Mike Johnson bent down before the US war party and exclaimed, ‘I’m here to help.

$61 billion for Ukraine’s continued destruction from the war party’s refusal to negotiate that war’s end? Check

14 billion for Israel to complete the ethnic cleansing of 2.3 million Gazans into the Saini Desert? Check

Billions more for US involvement with China over Taiwan that may go nuclear. Check

But the checks dancing around in Johnson’s mind are the avalanche of ‘Do-Re-Mi’ checks from the weapons industry sure to come his way.

Johnson’s supported his obeisance to perpetual war by channeling George W. Bush’s Axis of Evil. He simply replaced North Korea and Iraq with Russia and China. Iran not so lucky…remains on America’s ‘Most Regime Change Worthy’ list

Johnson’s warning about his new Axis of Evil would be hilarious if it didn’t risk nuclear war.

“Big priorities in this moment right now. We have Israel being attacked, we have unrest, we have the Ukraine situation we’ve got to deal with, we have China being aggressive, we have Iran with all the meddling, and China, Russia, and Iran working together. This is a dangerous time.”

It’s a dangerous time all right. US meddling in the Far East, Europe and now Middle East, all risk wider warfare, possibly even nuclear. Meanwhile, millions are dying, injured, suffering debilitated health, starving or being ethnically cleansed, all enabled by US involvement.

If there’s an Axis of Evil in foreign affairs, It’s President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and newbie House Speaker Johnson. All 3 are putting the Homelands’ needs aside to spend well over trillion next year on America’s perpetual warfare state. #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes

November 2, 2023 - Posted by | politics, USA

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