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Macron pursues nuclear deals in Russia’s back yard

French president hopes to secure uranium supply in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Politico, BY GIORGIO LEALI, OCTOBER 31, 2023 

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron travels on Wednesday to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, where he hopes to secure uranium for his country’s nuclear plants.

The trip comes as geopolitical tensions grow with the EU’s current major suppliers, Niger and Russia.

Macron’s visit to the two countries aims to expand French influence in an area which has strong ties with Russia and is now also growing closer to China, an Elysée official said………………….

Last summer a military junta took over Niger, which supplies 15 percent of France’s uranium needs, sparking questions as to whether the African country can continue to be a reliable source. Uncertainty has also surrounded imports of Russian uranium since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Niger raises questions, Russia could raise questions in the long term [if] the EU imposes sanctions on the nuclear sector.

An Elysée official said that new contracts and business partnerships will be announced during the trip, including in the energy sector. ………………………………………………………………………..

EDF has also positioned itself to become a supplier of nuclear reactors for Kazakhstan’s first nuclear plant.

The visit comes as Brussels competes with China for influence in the region via investment programs focused on infrastructure. 

Both Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are benefitting from Chinese investment under Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, with their presidents attending a high-level meeting on the subject in Beijing in October. The EU is trying to gain influence in the two countries by involving them in cooperation and investment projects under its “Global Gateway” initiative, the bloc’s response to Belt and Road. #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes

November 2, 2023 - Posted by | business and costs, France, politics international

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