
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

TODAY. Isn’t it wonderful how the men in opposing political parties can unite in hate and belligerence?

It really is quite sweet to see,- in America, the Democrats and Republicans being friendly – “on the same page”. Same for Australia, where the Labor and Liberals are being lovely to each other.

So good to see. It’s a bit of a pity that they fight each other so strongly about everything else, policies on health, education, welfare, environment – all those things that are crucial for the common good.

But now, and this really is very much a blokey thing, the opposing political parties are agreed on hating China, and on the need to spend many, many billions of the taxpayers’ money on weapons, especially nuclear. (Australia’s nuclear submarines won’t have weapons, I hear your cry) Australia’s subs will be controlled by USA, secretly, like the Pine Gap facility – Australians won’t even know what’s on them.

Well, the blokes are good at business, too, and so are the bought females that are celebrated these days (think of Victoria Nuland, Jennifer Granholm, Penny Wong ). And, they are right. You couldn’t get a more reliable customer for your weapons business than the tax-payers, who have to just pay up, bindly. with no say in these $multibillion nuclear decisions made on their behslf.

March 16, 2023 - Posted by | Christina's notes


  1. I dont know how it is australia
    But there is mass homelessness, in the usa
    This is the face of it

    There is also hunger as biden cuts off covid food programs to feed the military beast.
    In the uk the fascists have created the same situation and their answer is to create a police state and put everyone in jail. Many states in the usa have crimibalized homelessness. The jails are overflowing. Bidens overflowing military budgets, include more money for police and jails. Its phoney inflation reduction act has caused a number of banks to fail. Its corruption, allows trains with hundred of tons of dangerous chemicals to derail.

    Comment by Terry | March 16, 2023 | Reply


    Usa athird world empire with depression level homelessness and 75 % of the people in poverty or on the brink of poverty and 6 trillion dollar war budgets

    Comment by Xana | March 16, 2023 | Reply

  3. Very honest commentary. Thanks

    Comment by Jean Jensen | March 18, 2023 | Reply

  4. Donetsk authorities claim that around 70% of Bakhmut has now passed under Russian control

    Comment by Obj | March 18, 2023 | Reply

  5. Roughly 200 US banks face the same risk that led to SVB’s collapse. That’s what comes of decades of financial mismanagement brought on by the hubris of dollar supremacy. I doubt our rulers have the stuff to correct this, if it can be corrected at this late date.
    If the Fed does not contain the regional bank collapse, there will be another great depression. Small/medium banks account for 50% of US commercial and industrial lending, 60% of residential real estate lending, 80% of commercial real estate lending, and 45% of consumer lending.

    Comment by Honey | March 18, 2023 | Reply

  6. Americans Don’t Care About the Iraqi Dead. They Don’t Even Care About Their Own.

    Usa people dont care about the iraq death toll. Or ukraine death toll. They dont even care about their own, self-inflicted death toll.

    Comment by Marie st john | March 18, 2023 | Reply

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