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Full scale war in Ukraine? With its 15 nuclear reactors – no more Ukraine, no more Europe

Ukraine diplomat sees little chance of war ‘in country with 15 nuclear reactors’ with Reuters, 26 Jan 22, Ukraine is committed to seeking a diplomatic solution to the current tension with Russia, its ambassador to Japan, Sergiy Korsunsky, said on Wednesday (26 January), adding that he saw little chance of all-out war, although there might be smaller conflicts.

nuclear reactors would bring about a devastating regional impact on Europe.

“I believe that full-scale war is very, very, very difficult to expect, but we may see more localised conflict,” Korsunsky told a news conference in the Japanese capital Tokyo.

If war is going to happen, that will be the first ever in the history of mankind, war against a country which has on its territory 15 nuclear reactors, which has 30,000 km of gas and oil pipelines, full with gas and oil,” said Korsunsky.

“If all these infrastructure is destroyed, there is no more Ukraine. But this is just one consequence. There is no more central Europe and probably western Europe would be affected, too.”

An accident at the Chernobyl reactor, located in what is now Ukraine, spewed tonnes of nuclear waste into the atmosphere in 1986, spreading radioactivity across swathes of the continent and causing a spike in cancers in the more immediate region.

Russia’s Ambassador to Australia, Alexey Pavlovsky, said on Wednesday that Russia did not plan to invade Ukraine.

We don’t intend to invade at all,” Pavlovsky told Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio.

“Our troops on the border…These troops are not a threat, they are a warning. A warning to Ukraine’s rulers not to attempt any reckless military adventure,” he said.

As to the sanctions, I think that by now everybody should understand that it is not the language which should be used when talking to Russia. The sanctions just don’t work.”

January 27, 2022 - Posted by | Ukraine, weapons and war


  1. There were 52 million people in Ukraine. Now there are 38 million. Low birth rates. Steady streams of people leaving. Very high rates of birth defects.
    The neonazis are a minority in the Ukraine, that terrorize everyone else there, like Trump does here. I have been to the Ukraine.

    America is such a mean evil, greedy place. Its run by the military, mic, and evil sociopathic politicians that don’t care.
    There are at least 80 thousand tons of high level waste in the Ukraine . There 17 old beat up old Mox reactors in Ukraine, that are ready to blow. The waste is from the old reactors , and From being dumped there by Russia and other country’s. It is sitting in old casks, above ground, by weapons depots. If it goes off and catches fire, the fallout in Europe , Ukraine, and Russia will be like hundreds of nuclear bombs.

    People in the USA and especially the politicians , wall street, militaristic war monger , USA-corporate media are dangerously, delusional AND evil.

    Democrats don’t care. Half or the USA is at or below the poverty.level. My friend’s son is a paramedic, who got covid. 5 days off with covid. No sick pay . He takes five patients a week, into the hospital for covid. He Did not get sick pay when he had covid . His baby and wife got it. He has to pay for his own insurance. He works 48 hour shifts, day and night. . Paramedics here mostly have a bacheoors or advanced associate degree. . They have to Drill holes in people’s leg bones for traction and administer life saving erugs. They save friends son, gets 16 dollars an hour, with a degree. American society is falling apart. Some idiots are using high achool Students, with no advanced training as paramedics. No sleep sometimes. Would u trust Loved one to that?

    Corrupt evil fools like 81 yo millionaire pelosi , worth 110 million from insider trading. 87 yo alzeimers feinsein worth 90 million from inside trading and sweetheart govt real estate transactions. They are pushing trillion dollars nuclear and military bidgets. They don’t care. Crooks like Schumer, sleepy joe Biden, the repuklican fascists, are sending 500 million dollars worth of arms to Ukraine neonazis.

    Comment by Helen Madsen | January 27, 2022 | Reply

  2. like Trump does here?

    Comment by Jacqueline J. Jarvis | January 29, 2022 | Reply

    • It’s a Russian paid account, quite obviously. I’m from east of Ukraine, and we have a lot of these in our social media. They get paid by the number of characters in their comments.

      Comment by Alexander "BodomFox" | January 31, 2022 | Reply

  3. […] Full scale war in Ukraine? With its 15 nuclear reactors – no more Ukraine, no more Europe — nucl… […]

    Pingback by Full scale war in Ukraine? With its 15 nuclear reactors – no more Ukraine, no more Europe — nuclear-news – New World News | January 30, 2022 | Reply

  4. […] will be the first ever in the history of mankind, war against a country which has on its territory 15 nuclear reactors, which has 30,000 km of gas and oil pipelines, full with gas and oil,” said […]

    Pingback by Fifteen Nuclear Reactors in Ukraine -War Very Bad Idea – Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad! | January 30, 2022 | Reply

  5. […] Ukraine diplomat sees little chance of war ‘in country with 15 nuclear reactors’ with Reuters, 26 Jan 22, Ukraine is committed to seeking a diplomatic solution to the current tension with Russia, its ambassador to Japan, Sergiy Korsunsky, said on Wednesday (26 January), adding that he saw little chance of all-out war, although there […]Full scale war in Ukraine? With its 15 nuclear reactors – no more Ukraine, no more Europe […]

    Pingback by Full scale war in Ukraine? With its 15 nuclear reactors – no more Ukraine, no more Europe – Jackanori, (MPD) | February 11, 2022 | Reply

  6. News

    We’re now living in a time when it feels like we can’t go a day without some kind of breaking news. From natural disasters to political scandals, it seems like there’s always something new happening in the world.

    But being constantly bombarded with news can be overwhelming, and it can be hard to know which stories to focus on. Here are a few tips for staying informed while also managing your sanity:

    -Try to stick to reputable sources. It can be tempting to get all of your news from Facebook or other social media sites, but these platforms are often full of fake news. Stick to reputable sources like – The Standard Gazette News – to make sure you’re getting the most accurate information.

    -Set boundaries. It’s important to stay informed, but it’s also important to take breaks and not let the news take over your life. try setting aside specific times each day when you’ll check the news, and then put your phone away or turn off the TV when you’re done.

    -Focus on the big picture. It can be easy to get lost in all of the individual stories happening in the world, but it’s important to remember the bigger picture. Try to keep track of the major global events that are happening, and try to understand the larger themes and trends at play.

    -Talk to friends and family. One of the best ways to stay informed is to talk to friends and family about the news. Not only will this help you to stay up-to-date, but it will also help you to understand different perspectives and to see the news in a broader context.

    News Ukraine and News Today

    Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. The capital and largest city is Kiev. Ukraine is bordered by Russia to the east, Belarus to the north, Poland and Slovakia to the west, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south.

    Ukraine is the second-largest country in Europe, after Russia, with a total area of 603,700 square kilometres (233,100 sq mi), making it the largest country entirely within Europe.

    The territory of present-day Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 BC. During the Middle Ages, the area was a key centre of East Slavic culture, with the powerful state of Kievan Rus’ forming the basis of Ukrainian identity. Following the Partition of Poland in 1772, the western part of Ukraine became a constituent republic of the Russian Empire, while the eastern part remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. A 1917 Russian Revolution led to the establishment of the Soviet Ukraine, which later evolved into the modern Ukraine.

    Ukraine declared independence on 24 August 1991, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The country is a unitary state composed of 24 oblasts (provinces), one autonomous republic (Crimea), and two cities with special status: Kiev, the capital, and Sevastopol, a port city on the Crimean Peninsula.

    Ukraine is a member of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the World Trade Organization, and the Partnership for Peace. It is a founding member of the Community of Independent States (CIS).

    A referendum on the future of Crimea was held on 16 March 2014, in which 96.77% of Crimeans voted in favour of joining Russia. This vote was controversial, with the international community refusing to recognize the results. Ukraine considers the vote to be illegitimate and maintains that Crimea is an integral part of its territory.

    The ongoing War in Donbass, which started in April 2014, has caused the deaths of over 10,000 people and has left over 1.6 million internally displaced persons.

    Comment by david john | March 1, 2022 | Reply

    • David John. Excellent summary about Ukraine.
      Also- very good and timely tips on surviving in this media age.
      Just one tip that concerns me – ” Stick to reputable sources”. I’m finding that ”reputable sources” havec all too often lost their best journalists, and rarely stray from a timid acceptance of what governments and corporations are saying. I’m finding that some disreputable sources are providing insightful anayses of what’s going on.

      Comment by Christina Macpherson | March 2, 2022 | Reply

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