
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

The nuclear fantasy – time that we ended it -theme for January 2022.

It WAS a great dream – when the atomic scientists thought that they could assuage their guilt by inventing ”atoms for peace”

But that was a great lie. The USA raced on with nuclear reactors producing fuel for nuclear weapons. The British and Russians followed suit – then France, India, Israel, China – just about every nation wants them – Middle Eastern rulers now salivating at the thought.

Everybody piously talks about ”peaceful nuclear”. Now there’s the new champion lie – ”nuclear to save the world from climate change”.

And that feat is to be accomplished by so-called Small Nuclear Reactors (SMRs) – thousands of super-expensive little unicorns that don’t exist. The lying salesmen (who have no conscience) will keep pretending that they’re ”little”, while economies of scale demand that the reactors are put together to make Big nuclear plants.

And still the purpose is – all for the weapons industry. Technology, expertise, funding – to support that real industry – Nuclear weapons – under the sea, on land, in space! The ordinary peasant is not so keen, so investment in SMRs isn’t really happening. The thing is pushed by grandiose gurus like Bill Gates – . and even Gates knows that tax-payer funding is the intended funding system.

I recommend a couple of posts on this website:
Establishment support, secrecy and corruption, in the promotion of dangerous nuclear power. Natrium reactors, like those at Santa Susana.

And don’t think, just because these articles are about America, that the Establishments in UK, Russia France, China etc are any better. The same sort of toxic macho-men are in control of governments there, too.

Time to take the toys from the boys

December 24, 2021 - Posted by | Christina's themes


  1. So far, covid is out of control. I know 7 or seven religious and gop fascists, that refused vax. Died. Disinformation agents. Nuke pukes all over the inet. Deniars , fascists , religious-fascists killers like the mining awarness puke, that is dwelling on Epstein, saying he belonged to the Chinese communist party. Pukes like Trump, who lies about everything and now says he got the booster. Like the nukepuke boogaloo boys. The fascist tirds morrison and Johnson of the UK . Pukes like nadesan who got the vaccines because it had too . That is because it got valley fever. Then obsesses about the vaccine .

    Trump would have used a tactical nuke on Iran. It still might. The world should be very wary of this psychopathic killer, and it’s enablers.
    The cia operatives, like pia Jensen who want democratically elected govts in Honduras, Venezuela, Peru, Chile , boliviq couped , like they did in Ecuador leading to the arrest of Assange.
    The nuke pukes like Biden, ratcheting up tension w Russia and China. The racist extremists, who want America and the world to burn, in civil and nuclear war. The Trump fascists at fox and flying cuttle , racist fascist Trump.supporterS conspiracy and murder nuts. Sensationalists liars
    DONT LOOK UP people because it is on fire!

    The aynrand fascist, racist repuklicans . The lying Paul’s that want nuclear and nuke bombs . The lying pronuke shills like the violent domestic terrorist, and pronukepuke stock

    Diablo’s Planet-Killing Nuke Insanity Keeps Escalating

    Comment by ...... | January 2, 2022 | Reply

    • Any hope that you could tone down your language a bit, for 2022?

      Comment by Christina Macpherson | January 2, 2022 | Reply

      • I got the covid I’m so sick. I was faxed so I hope I make it. I just don’t get those people. Sorry

        Comment by ....... | January 3, 2022

      • Sorry to learn that you are sick. Hope you recover soon.

        Comment by Christina Macpherson | January 3, 2022

      • Christina, as the annoying resident pro-nuclear commentor, I am nonetheless being completely honest with you when I think that user is genuinely mentally unwell. I can only speculate from behind the screen, but it reminds me of other users I’ve encountered who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. Sort of a “clanging” (real term, look it up) speech pattern. Not that there’s anything that can be done about it, just thought I’d share my two cents. There is medication for this sort of thing, but if they’re that deep into the hole… They’re probably not going to trust it. Especially not because some internet rando told them to.

        Anyway, feel free to reject this comment as usual. In fact, I’d honestly prefer it. This is really just a message to you in particular. A friendly word of advice from someone who’s seen this kind of behavior before. 👍

        Comment by Norman Realname | January 4, 2022

      • It’s reassuring to get personal comments like this. One always knows when the pro nuclear shills are really up against, when they can’t counter arguments with anything but ad hominem attacks. Go for it, Norman baby !!

        Comment by Christina Macpherson | January 4, 2022

  2. The world is ravaged by human induced climate change. It’s full of dangerous nuclear weapons, nuclear waste and nuclear bombs. The human race is having a nervous breakdown over covid. Don’t lookup because the world is on fire

    Comment by .,.... | January 5, 2022 | Reply

  3. For the record, I was genuinely trying to inform you, because some of the things “…” have said genuinely worry me, and I figure if anyone here could help them, it’d be you. I really don’t care if you believe me or not, but I’m not the one who sometimes comments about suffering from suicidal thoughts and wanting to not be alive anymore. If I wanted to be a nasty jerk, there are a million other things I could’ve done besides expressing genuine concern about the mental well-being of one of your regular users and offering my personal appraisal. I know the internet is total CRAP at conveying tone, but it’s really telling that your personal response to this was to act like a child. Do you think I would’ve included the fact that I’m pro-nuclear if my intent was trolling and harassment, and not genuine concern? You’re really making me regret it, that’s for sure.

    As to “…”, If you really are suffering from COVID, I wish you a speedy recovery. I’ve been lucky enough to avoid any major deaths in my immediate family, but I know many others haven’t.

    Comment by Norman Realname | January 6, 2022 | Reply

    • Norman Realname. Oh now I get it. I had been thinking that your previous comments were aimed at me personally. Now I realise that they were aimed not at me, but at ……. – whoever ……. is. In which case – sorry about that. I don’t like publishing comments that have extreme language. Yet (a) I recognise that there is some truth in their content, and (b) – if the writer is a troubled person, they’ve probably had reasons to be troubled, and perhaps they are not being listened to and acknowledged.

      Comment by Christina Macpherson | January 6, 2022 | Reply

      • Fair. And I recognize that, in retrospect, my original comment was an utter trainwreck of intentions. Woof, it came off bad.

        Sorry for the misunderstanding.

        Comment by Norman Realname | January 6, 2022

      • Not to worry. I was rushing, as always – couldn’t remember about …….’s comment. All is well. Thanks.

        Comment by Christina Macpherson | January 6, 2022

    • The pronuker’s writing is obsessional and steoereotypical. It uses a beat up , out of touch plyabook full of lies, delusions and propaganda, to try to prove the unprovble. To try to reconcile the unreconcilable.
      It relies on grandiose visions of unreality, to endorse and justify a really crazy, dangerous technology that is genocidal and suicidal. Not to mention the nuclear bomb making that comes with its general push for more insanity.
      It obviously is either detached from reality, noting the lack of safety, financial and support necessary for reactors. It psychotically ignores the health consequences of the most extreme toxins known. It and it’s ilk, continue to psycopathogically deny the consequences of nuclear catastrophe, at places like Chernobyl and Fukushima. As a person or thing, affiliated with science it is a failure. To play psychiatrist and throw out terms, like clanging and schizophrenia for such a failed thinker and such failed sanity, shows how lowbrow Norman really is.

      Comment by ..... | January 15, 2022 | Reply

      • to ….. (and I hope I’ve got the number of dots right!) I don’t think that Norman is lowbrow. I don’t know what sort of brow he is. I just think he’s trying to understand – as we all are.
        If you feel like writing an article for this site, that would be welcome. You bring together so many aspects of this torrid nuclear saga. I just ask that you try to avoid ”trigger words” – those that set up emotional reactions in people – and take their attention away from the important content.

        Comment by Christina Macpherson | January 16, 2022

  4. I’m a climate refugee I have covid . I finally got humane housing. Snotty christina . I see, the the way you treat climate and other refugees is Australia. Hippocrits and nasty racist white devil’s.
    The nukepuke is Probly afraid to go near a nuke reactor and would for sure stay a hundred miles clear of Fukushima and Chernobyl.
    The Anglo societies and France are nuke puke imperialist. They are propped up by trillions, spent on nuclear bombs war machines and implements of self and world destruction. You have to think outside the norm to survive in this delusional society because it is mostly fake.
    Too bad Christina has such thing skin and is such a mean old bag

    Comment by ...... | January 6, 2022 | Reply

  5. This comment will be censored by Noel

    Climate change and Cold War radioactive contamination; apparently putting them together is a bad pairing.

    The Chinese recently had a pretty serious Radionuclide release, from a bad french designed nuclear reactor. We will never no.the extent of the for and Radionuclide release.
    And yet, the worst recent nuclear catastrophy, was the 900, 000 acre wildfire at the Idaho National nuclear laboratory in 2019.
    Half a million tons of high level nuclear waste, there. A 70 year old massive nuclear waste dump. 50 beat up old nuclear reactors there , constructed from 1950 into 2005. They recently wanted to build smrs there to supply electricity to utah.since the massive wildfire in 2019, it is Too radioactive to this day, for a guy like kaltofen to go and do scientific sampling to see how intense the Radionuclide contamination is in surrounding areas and the Idaho National lab itself. The massive Radionuclide contamination, from the 900,000 acre, radioactive wildfires that occured in the heart of the reactors and nuclear waste areas. We’ll never know how bad that radioactive catastrophe was and probably never know how bad it continues to be.

    My best friend’s dad was a nuclear physiciat, who worked at Idaho National labs and committed suicide in 1972. He committed suicide because, he knew the horrendous genocidal and planet killing onslaughts of Radionuclide pollution from such psychotic folley of nuclear reactors and nuclears bombs is real.
    My best friend, whose dad committed suicide , was a mechanical engineer he committed suicide in 2012 1 year after Fukushima. He bore the scars and shame, and grief of his father’s suicide from the time he was 12 years old. A psychopath like nukepuke Norman would never think of suicide because, it’s ego and homicidal-genocidal impulses are too strong

    ………………writing about pyrphoricity from Radionuclide pollution
    But don’t look up, because things are on fire and the crap is being spread to more and more places, in higher and higher concentrations.
    It is getting to the point where the relationship in the convergence of Climate change and wildfires and massive Radionuclide contamination is undeniable
    But don’t look up because the world is on fire. The recent massive wildfire in Colorado originated by Rocky flats. One of the worse plutonium contamination sites in the world.

    The Woolsey fire originated at santa Susana. Another place where a massive nuclear meltdown occured.

    Radioactive Waste Fell On Some Neighborhoods During Woolsey Fire, Study Says – NBC Los Angeles our professional paychopthas and sociopaths we I mean politicians, want to spread the joy of psyroohoric hi level nuclear waste far and wide to every small town and large town public dump and landfill in the northern hemisphere. Talking about suicide.

    More wildfire fodder
    The big wildfire by rocky flats Just think how much plutonium that wildire spread into the Denver air and surrounding envronment

    Despite the supposed cleanup, large swaths of plutonium contamination remains in the vicinity of Rocky Flats:
    Potential plutonium hot spot found on eastern edge of Rocky Flats

    What happens if more fire hits Rocky Flats?
    Edwin Lyman

    I wouldn’t want to speculate. That’s a question for
    Dec 30, 2021

    There are houses 1/2 mile East  of the flats that were built in the last 2 years. They have basements,there was no disclosures as to the flats and underground contamination. I know people who live there
    Marco Kaltofen of United States
    Dec 31, 2021

    The lastest plutonium hotspot found in that area is massive.
    That’s some hot spot; nearly 1000X the site background of 0.06 pCi/g. We’d be interested in checking ash samples (no cost – so long as data is all public) for radioactive contamination if it can be safely collected.

    Comment by ..... | January 7, 2022 | Reply

    • to ”…………” whoever you are. As you will see, I have edited out your insulting comments to a previous commentator. It sure is apity, when you have some pertinent things to say about nuclear issues, that you feel you need to insult people.

      Comment by Christina Macpherson | January 7, 2022 | Reply

  6. If there is a civil war in this rotten country, there will likely be multiple nuclear meltdowns. There will likely be a worldwide nuclear war. No more pajoratives from me to the blogger here but, there is an insane fever pitch of psychosis, going on in the USA .There is also an abysmal abdication of responsibility for climate change. No leadership. The ignoring of climate change that is likely going to devour the country in the next 10 years

    Comment by ...... | January 7, 2022 | Reply

  7. JANUARY 7, 2022
    Trump is Winning the New Nightmare Years

    Drawing by Nathaniel St. Clair

    Trump won. No, not the 2020 presidential election, the aftermath and the year since his predicted putsch bid on January 6, 2021.

    So what if tried to overthrow constitutional rule of law and what’s left of civil decency and democracy? The white nationalist GOP is his Republifascist baby. It’s still the Amerikaner Party of Trump (APoT). He’s still its grand poohbah, with his Big Hitlerian Lie of a stolen election as his great gaslighting club, accepted by three in four Republicans.

    While the minority rule governance order inherited from the nation’s slave-owning Founders is already fixed well to the right of the populace, the APoT is ratcheting things farther starboard the name of the Big Lie. It is purging the small number of its elected and election officials who dared oppose Dear Leader Orange and the attempted destruction of previously normative bourgeois electoral democracy. It is passing state-level measures to suppress what it sees as illegitimate and un-American minority and Democratic votes. It is working to cancel popular presidential votes and Electoral College slates that don’t align with its ethno-nationalist program. It is conducting state-level gerrymandering on racist and partisan steroids to further ensure the emergence of a US House of Representatives that will end serious legislative branch investigation of the January 6, 2021, coup attempt.

    The new Congress of 2023 will likely hand the presidency to Trump or his (equally if not more dangerous) neofascist successor after a contested election in 2024-25, when (by the way) less than a third of the electorate will have elected more than a two-thirds of the absurdly malapportioned, right-leaning, and powerful US Senate.

    To help discredit and defeat Joe Biden and his neoliberal Democratic Party, the Republifascists are working in state governments, Congress, and state and federal courts to block even moderate White House and Democratic efforts to stem the growth of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic and otherwise serve the common good.

    In standard fascist and neo-McCarthyite style, the APoT and its hate machine media label anything and everything the corporate capitalist Democrats try to accomplish as (supposedly horrible) socialism, communism, and Marxism.

    The APoT has made a hero out of the white-supremacist teenager Kyle Rittenhouse and a martyr out of the fascist Capitol marauder Ashli Babbitt. Rittenhouse’s claim to fame is that he shot three civil rights protesters, killing two of them, in the summer of 2020.

    The paranoid-style party of Trump is fueling an epidemic of real and threatened violence against election officials, public health officials, school officials, school boards, retail workers, airline employees, school nurses, vaccine-providers, and other supposed “deep state” agents of the alleged “radical liberal” Marxist-corporate-globalist “CRT” conspiracy to “jab,” mask, humiliate, shame, and disarm freedom-loving “true” – white – “Americans.” As The Guardian reports:

    ‘The consequences of the breakdown of the American system [are] only now beginning to be felt. January 6 wasn’t a wake-up call; it was a rallying cry. The Capitol police have seen threats against members of Congress increase by 107%. Fred Upton, Republican representative from Michigan, recently shared a message he had received: “I hope you die. I hope everybody in your family dies.” And it’s not just politicians but anyone involved in the running of the electoral system. Death threats have become a standard aspect of the work life of election supervisors and school board members. A third of poll workers, in the aftermath of 2020, said they felt unsafe.’

    Much of the Republifascist base is heavily armed.

    The absurdly far-right Supreme Court, stocked with three judges appointed by Trump (another big way in which the demented orange menace still wins), is poised to abolish women’s constitutional right to control their own reproductive lives next June. The holy high court may well undo a vast swath of local gun controls in a nation plagued by a maddening epidemic of mass shootings.

    A third of the APoT base if not more believes that it is legitimate to crush what’s left of U.S. democracy by resorting to political violence – the rule of force and men over the rule of law. They think gun commandment may be necessary to save “the American way of life,” by which Republikaners mean white- and male-supremacist hierarchy and the nation’s intimately related right to extract and burn every last fossil fuel on a melting planet.

    A recent article by the election law expert Richard Hasen in the elite liberal Atlantic magazine is titled “Trump’s Next Coup Has Already Begun.” Hasen notes that “the democratic emergency is already here…We face a serious risk that democracy as we know it will come to an end in 2024…but urgent action is not happening.” As Hasen told CNN’s frowning anchor Anderson Cooper, Trump only failed to steal the 2020 contest because enough officials, Republicans included, “acted in good faith” to defend the republic. “You can think of January 2021 as the low point in American democracy,” Hasan added, “or you can think of it as a practice run for 2024,” understanding that the Republicans are eliminating officials committed to fair two-party elections and replacing them with agents who believe the Big Lie. “We really are in a tough spot,” Hasen said, agreeing with Cooper’s concern that the nation’s “democratic” institutions “have started to crumble.”

    The Editorial Board of The New York Times recently marked the one-year anniversary of the Capitol Riot with the following reflection on the authoritarian specter hanging over the land:

    ‘On the surface, our political life seems more or less normal these days, as the president pardons turkeys and Congress quarrels over spending bills. But peel back a layer, and things are far from normal. Jan. 6 is not in the past; it is every day. It is regular citizens who threaten election officials and other public servants, who ask, “When can we use the guns?” and who vow to murder politicians who dare to vote their conscience. It is Republican lawmakers scrambling to make it harder for people to vote and easier to subvert their will if they do. It is Donald Trump who continues to stoke the flames of conflict with his rampant lies and limitless resentments and whose twisted version of reality still dominates one of the nation’s two major political parties…In short, the Republic faces an existential threat from a movement that is openly contemptuous of democracy and has shown that it is willing to use violence to achieve its ends. No self-governing society can survive such a threat by denying that it exists.’

    It’s not just about the Republifascists, of course. The dithering, dollar-drenched corporate and imperial Democrats are a distinctly un-radical and un-Left party of passive and hollow resistance. They offer little real counter to the nation’s rightward drift. They are Weimar-like junior partners in in a fascitization process that could well inscribe the January 6 Capitol Riot as the Beer Hall Putsch – practice and prologue for the later fascist takeover – of the 21st Century.

    The “dismal Dems” of the long neoliberal era helped birth the neofascist Frankenstein by discrediting democracy and themselves, demobilizing their base in service to concentrated wealth and power (please see the final chapter of my new book This Happened Here: Amerikaners, Neoliberals, and the Trumping of America). From the second half of Jimmy Carter administration through the Citigroup and Council on Foreign Relations presidencies of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, the onetime “party of the people” has shown itself to be a plutocratic platform of inauthentic opposition and elitist, politically correct fake progressivism.

    As the great American public intellectual Noam Chomsky, the Bertrand Russell of the early 21st Century, has recently acknowledged (almost as an aside in a recent interview with Amy Goodman), “the US is moving to a form of fascism.” Will the Democrats do anything to stop this movement? What do the Democrats propose to do to slay the monster it did so much to let loose upon the world? Very little indeed, nothing that is remotely in the ballpark of arousing the mass and militant popular resistance required to put the beast of fascism back in the cage where it belongs. As the six-year-old organization Refuse Fascism notes in its January 6th anniversary statement:

    ‘The January 6 coup attempt demonstrated that fascism is not just the worst of a pendulum swing. It is an all-out assault on the rule of law aiming to strip democratic rights from whole groups of people they see as sub-human. Trump and his fascist movement have torn up the norms and thrown out the rule book, yet the outrage and hopes of people on the side of justice keep getting diverted into the very channels that are being eviscerated, and away from the kind of deep, mass, society-wide struggle that is needed…Biden and the Democratic Party have not stopped or slowed the advance of these fascists. Trump roams free to cement his hold over the GOP and run for president in 2024, while across the country, we are losing the right to abortion, voting, protest, history education, and free speech. Death threats against public officials have become routine, and Christian fascists on the Supreme Court openly dehumanize women with Roe v. Wade in their crosshairs…The Democratic Party has largely led people into inaction, passivity, and conciliation with fascism. This is a reality that must be confronted: Fascism can, and is, happening here and it cannot simply be voted away. The question remains, what will the decent people do? Will the future be fascist, or will we act?’

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for the Democrats or the holy electoral and judicial processes to save the republic, much less preserve and advance democracy. The not-so leftmost of the two major parties is hopelessly committed to “stability” and to normative bourgeois principles and methods of absurdly calm, polite, parliamentary, and bipartisan deliberation – modes of governance that are being torn up under the pressure of deeply rooted social, economic, and political contradictions in late capitalism. Even as many of their publications and editorial pages show that they understand the grave existential menace to their unmentionably contingent, limited, and bourgeois democracy, they will do nothing special or “radical” to save that (or any other kind of) “democracy.” Only an aroused, mass, organized, and militant populace acting beneath and beyond the masters’ quadrennial electoral extravaganzas can move the world’s most powerful nation off its continuing descent into “the nightmare years” of eco-cidal, patriarchal, white-nationalist, and neofascist rule.

    Paul Street’s new book is The Hollow Resistance: Obama, Trump, and Politics of Appeasement.

    Comment by Terry | January 7, 2022 | Reply

  8. I cannot believe, that the us govt is spending over half it’s budget, a trillion dollars on the military . That is with billions for new nuclear weapons, billions for nuke subs and ships. Billions for space force. This is at a time when so many people in the USA are suffering!!!!! Covid. No time off work, if you have covid. Double digit inflation thanks to Trump and Biden. Unprecedented income desparity where billionaires and oligarchs are driving us, to a bloody civil war, nuclear war, fascism . Unbounded psychosis and suffering.
    Homelessness. No medical coverage . Death or bankruptcy if you get sick. No democracy. A nightmare

    Where Greed is a Virtue and Poverty Your Own Damn Fault –

    Comment by Sam silagati | January 18, 2022 | Reply

  9. The only things the U.S. government is good at is collecting taxes from the poor, working and middle classes, and using that money to fund a military-industrial complex that has a larger budget than the next 10 top military spending countries combined.

    Comment by Eldon Ray | January 20, 2022 | Reply

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