
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

Climate, nuclear, coronavirus news this week

An unidentified member of AIM Native American woman sits with her rifle at ready on steps of building in Wounded Knee, South Dakota, March 2, 1973. Indians still have control of town having seized it on Tuesday. Eleven hostages they had taken were finally released. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

The movement is on, in many countries, to return things to”normal” as the infection “curve” is reported to be “flattening”.  But as lockdown rules are eased, in Germany and South  Korea, infection rates go up again.  With 4 million confirmed cases globally, there is no slowdown in the rate of infection. USA’s death toll is 80,000, while Russia’s and Brazil’s are thought to be soaring.  COVID-19 is such a strange disease. Like climate denialism, –  is a form of coronavirus denial going on?

A potential US extradition of Julian Assange poses existential threats to democracy..

Another world is possible.

Tiny killer agents – Cornaviruses, and also, Nuclear Radiation.  As with viruses, containment of atomic weapons may be good, but eradication is best.  .

International co-operation – essential for Coronavirus action, and for Climate action .  Can Covid-19 response be a model for climate action?.  Climate change – a bigger still challenge follows coronavirus.  A small window of opportunity to stave off rapid global heating.

2020 hurtles toward the warmest year milestone –Heat+ humidity – global heating has already made parts of the world too hot for humans.

Trilateral Track 2 Nuclear Dialogues Consensus Statement.


UK.   Wide and growing coalition of real concern about EDF’s Sizewell C nuclear project.  Delay in preparations for Wylfa nuclear plant.    Barrow, UK – hub of nuclear weapons work and nuclear transport.  As UK’s Torness nuclear power station deteriorates, – cheaper to build renewables than to repair aging reactors.  UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) gags staff on subject of Trident nuclear weapons in Scotland..

BAHRAIN. Bahrain’s new environmental bill – strict laws against nuclear waste dumping.

JAPAN. More delay for Japan to open Onagawa nuclear power plant Unit 2: Unit 1 to be closed.

NORTH KOREA. Satellite images reveal North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s new nuclear facility.

RUSSIA. The pandemic is a direct threat to Russia’s secret nuclear cities – says Rosatom chief.

INDIA. Lockdown in Tamil Nadu: 800 guest workers  stage protest at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, attack cops .

SOUTH AFRICA. South Africa’s financially difficult nuclear ambitions.

BOSNIA. Bosnia aims to stop Croatia’s plan for radioactive waste dump close to the border.

LITHUANIA.  Lithuania presses Belarus to delay use of nuclear fuel, for safety reasons.

UKRAINE. Ukraine’s Energy ministry limits operations of nuclear power plants.  Looking back to May 1986 – the exodus from Kiev, after the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe.

SOUTH KOREA.  South Korea sticking to its policy of phasing out nuclear power, switching to renewables.

FRANCE. France’s Strategic Nuclear Forces Big drop in France’s nuclear power generation..

SPAIN. The search for the 4th hydrogen bomb dropped over Palomares, Spain.

GERMANY. SPD, junior partner in Germany’s coalition government, calls to withdraw US nuclear arms.

AUSTRALIA.  Bogus claims and dodgy Fed govt nuclear waste dumps process.  Tilman Ruff: the Australian government has not made the case for Kimba nuclear waste site: a transparent public review is needed.

May 12, 2020 - Posted by | Christina's notes

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