
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

Japanese government spreading misinformation about radiation – says famous actress Norika Fujiwara

Fujiwara,-NorikaFamous Japanese Actress: Gov’t is covering up Fukushima crisis — “Our nation has a right to know” — People who write the truth on Internet will be punished under new law — TV stars in Japan are to never discuss political views

Japan Times, Sept. 18, 2013: Norika Fujiwara [former Miss Japan] has broken an unwritten rule of the television business: sharing her political views. The popular model and actress has come out against a bill that stiffens penalties against civil servants who leak classified information. […]

In a message posted on Friday, Fujiwara accused the government of covering up the truth about the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant, and spreading misinformation about radiation and leaks of radioactive water there. “As a citizen I am really concerned about it,” Fujiwara wrote in another message. “Our nation has a right to know.” […] “Once the bill is signed, the people who will write the truth on the Internet (or through other means) will be punished,” she stressed. […]

Tokyo Reporter,, Sept. 15, 2013: Norika Fujiwara says Secret Security Act could allow government to withhold information, such as radiation readings […]

See also: Report: TEPCO paid for creation of a blacklist of actors and musicians who are against nuclear industry

September 20, 2013 - Posted by | civil liberties, Japan

1 Comment »

  1. authorities must explain
    that kinfd of problem

    Comment by Romeo Jr Monzon | December 19, 2013 | Reply

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