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Double standards in Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons

Israel’s tacit defence, pursued on its behalf by its allies, has been that it – unlike Iran – is a ‘responsible’ nuclear power. Yet here you have Shimon Peres talking nukes with a nutcase white supremacist government..

A responsible nuclear power? by Julian Borger 24 May 2010 The revelations of Israel’s nuclear flirtation with South Africa will add weight to claims of double standards Continue reading

May 25, 2010 Posted by | Israel, secrets,lies and civil liberties | , , | Leave a comment

U.S. Western electric grid can harness wind and solar power

Should these utilities succeed in coordinating their efforts and realize even 27 percent wind and solar power, they would cut carbon emissions by 25 to 45 percent. It would also lessen fuel and emissions costs by 40 percent, depending on the future prices of natural gas.

Western States Could Reach 35% Renewable Power by 2017, The Energy Collective, by Taylen Peterson on 05/24/2010 , The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) says the western US electric grid could harness up to 35 percent of its energy from wind and solar power within seven years — and without any major upgrades to the existing electric network.  Continue reading

May 25, 2010 Posted by | renewable, USA | , , , , | Leave a comment

UK not getting new nuclear reactors any time soon

U.K. Energy Policy In A Muddle – WSJ, By Selina Williams, 24 May 2010, “……….Not all the policies required for the construction of new nuclear power plants–a key source of low-carbon electricity–are finalized and it’s unlikely that any will be built until after 2020, the report adds. Decomissioning of old nuclear power plants and what will be done with the waste have yet to be completely pinned down. And the new coalition government’s decision to do away with the Infrastructure Planning Commission, which the previous government set up to streamline and speed up planning decisions for new nuclear, could create more delays to investment…….U.K. Energy Policy In A Muddle – The Source – WSJ

May 25, 2010 Posted by | politics, UK | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Russian firms now off “blacklist” despite their weapons sales to Iran,

Obama Administration Lifts Russian Firms from Blacklist  – World Market Media May 24, 2010

// <![CDATA[// John Rummo Four Russian firms, accused of helping Syrian and Iranian Weapons programs, including Rosoboronexport and Tula Instrument Design Bureau were lifted off the U.S. government’s black list. Both of these aforementioned companies have been noted in selling antitank, artillery, and rockets to both Iran and Syria, some of which have turned up in Lebanon……. Obama Administration Lifts Russian Firms from Blacklist – Online Investment Community – World Market Media

May 25, 2010 Posted by | general | , , | Leave a comment

UK govt closes scheme to fund small scale reneweble energy

Cameron axes renewable energy grant,, May 24, 2010  by Jim Pickard David Cameron, in his original incarnation as Tory leader, was an advocate of the green agenda; cycling everywhere, visiting the Arctic (albeit by plane) and fixing a wind turbine to the roof of his west London home. (No matter that he was forced to take it down due to complex planning issues).Yet the new prime minister has just axed a major scheme (the “Low Carbon Buildings Programme”) that gave grants for households and companies to put solar panels or wind turbines on their premises. So far it has helped 20,000……………The Renewable Energy Association says:”The announcement has increased the sense of uncertainty faced by the UK’s infant renewable heat industry.” Cameron axes renewable energy grant | Westminster Blog |

May 25, 2010 Posted by | politics, UK | , , , , | Leave a comment

UK govt’s underhand way of subsidising nuclear power

Huhne, it seems, may have ruled out using the public purse to fund the new nuclear generation, but his Government is asking us to use our wallets to do the same.

The Government has found a backhanded way to subsidise nuclear power The Ecologist, Dan Box, 24th May, 2010 21st century nuclear power needs a 21st century subsidy… no blank cheques this time – just an apparently green tweak to the emissions trading system, and voila!What is it they say? Power corrupts? Well, certainly people change. Continue reading

May 25, 2010 Posted by | general | , , , | Leave a comment

U.S. public will wake up to danger of far right nuclear politics

The public debate will also likely expand with the July 23 release of a new documentary from the team that made An Inconvenient Truth. The film, Countdown to Zero, is a nuclear wake-up call about the real threats we face and the urgent need for action.

Nuclear Naivete,THE HUFFINGTON POST, Joe Cirincione: ,  24 May 2010, Far-right conservatives posture as nuclear tough guys, but push a shockingly naive policy. Clinging to Cold War doctrines, they play politics with our nuclear weapons. It is a dangerous game that puts American security at risk. Representative Mike Turner (R-OH) rammed through an amendment at the House Armed Services Committee mark-up of the Defense Authorization Bill last week that condemns the new U.S. nuclear strategy endorsed by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the directors of the nation’s nuclear laboratories. Why? Rep. Turner wants to use nuclear weapons in Afghanistan……. Continue reading

May 25, 2010 Posted by | general | , , , , | Leave a comment

U.S. Senator enthuses over $2 billion loan to France’s nuclear giant AREVA

Senator Voinovich Encourages DOE on Nuclear Loan Guarantess, Nuclear Power Industry News, 25 May 2010, “………The $2 billion loan guarantee has been awarded to AREVA’s Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility near Idaho Falls, Idaho, ………….Sen. Voinovich, along with Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), recently led a bipartisan congressional letter to President Obama requesting that the White House join them in hosting a nuclear energy summit to bring together key leaders, stakeholders and innovators to discuss and plan for America’s nuclear energy future. Senator Voinovich Encourages DOE on Nuclear Loan Guarantess – Nuclear Power Industry News

May 25, 2010 Posted by | general | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment