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Do Americans really care about war crimes? by Jared Keller — Rise Up Times

“So do war crimes matter to the average American? In the short term, it appears that war crimes and their related pardons are simply new battlegrounds in the ever-expansive culture war between left and right, liberals and conservatives, that seems to have enveloped modern politics rather than becoming matters of human dignity in their own right. And that’s a damn shame.”

Do Americans really care about war crimes? by Jared Keller — Rise Up Times

December 30, 2020 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. Many american do not care about a lot of things. Deranged sociopaths, brainwashed by greed, racism, religion, and vanity. Like the german people, when they put hitler into power. That is why trump is making a point of pardoning blackwater iraq, war criminals.
    A person i met just had to tell me they support trump. I asked why?
    “Because he is making the military greater, standing behind the corporations, pushing law and order, putting down antifa and blm and black crime.” I said what about white crime. They said ” there is none.”
    I said that god sends nazis to hell. The person got up and walked off in a huff.

    Comment by Teren wynn | December 31, 2020 | Reply

    • a sad story. I don’t know how one counters this kind of ignorant prejudice. But you did well.

      Comment by Christina MacPherson | December 31, 2020 | Reply

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