
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

This week in climate/nuclear news

This is a bit more boring than usual, as, apart from the Australian bushfires, not many climate and nuclear events have been in the news this week.

A new book brings the nuclear and climate threats together in a scary warning. In The Plutocene: Blueprints for a post-Anthropocene Greenhouse Earth, Andrew Glikson considers a future scenario where nuclear war, radioactive pollution, and global heating combine to produce a new era. He urges a range of tactics to avert this gloomy future.

S and P Global Ratings has made it plain: nuclear power can survive only with massive tax-payer support.

A bit of good news –  Ocean Cleanup Makes History by Successfully Collecting First Plastic From Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Climate change is a health emergency – physicians.

World Nuclear Waste Report.   Dangerous radioactive hot particles span the globe.    Still no country for old nuclear waste. Tritium and other radionuclides are hazardous,even in transport and storage.

Will Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) submarines make nuclear submarines relatively obsolete?

400,000 insect species face extinction.

ICELAND. In framing Julian Assange, The FBI tried to make Iceland complicit.

MARSHALL ISLANDS. U.S. won’t clean up Marshall Islands nuclear waste dome but wants it free of anti-U.S. graffiti.  Nuclear tomb: The Runit Dome is chipping and cracking. The climate crisis tied up in the dangers of nuclear weapons in ways that nobody predicted

UK. Jeremy Corbyn could scrap UK’s nuclear weapons, in deal with Scottish National Party. A UK Labour govt would make ‘collective’ decision over use of nuclear weapons? Boris Johnson and the unlikely future for small nuclear reactors.  Likely delay in clean-up of radioactive contamination at Dalgety Beach. New type of uranium nuclear fuel has safety risks.


JAPAN. Fukushima: Japan’s government has not solved its many technical, economic, and socio-political problems. The plight of Fukushima nuclear workers getting leukaemia.  As Fukushima food export barriers fall, Japan aims to persuade ChinaPope Francis, visiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wants a total ban on nuclear weapons.

NORTH KOREA. North Korea issues warning on nuclear negotiations deadline. US- North Korea negotiations may be revived.

EUROPE. European Union struggles to preserve Iran nuclear deal.

CHINA. China General Nuclear Power Group to invest $2.5 billion into a huge solar project – plus 2 GW of wind turbines.

BULGARIA. Bulgaria nuclear reactor capacity reduced over generator malfunction.

RUSSIA. Nuclear-Powered Aircraft failed for both USA and Soviets.

AFRICA. The push for nuclear power in Africa, but what happens to the wastes? Africa has fourfold growth potential with renewable energy plan.

FRANCE. France extends nuclear reactors outage after earthquake. France considering building 6 new EDF nuclear reactors at a cost of at least 46 billion euros ($51 billion).

November 18, 2019 - Posted by | Christina's notes


  1. The northern hemisphere is saturated w radionuclide pollution

    Comment by dan | November 18, 2019 | Reply

  2. This is real. It is many times worse in Major Military States. It is not simply phones. ATT and other providers go into Personal computers every 15 minutes on behalf of contractors for

    Find a tracert for your pc and u will see

    Comment by anonymous | November 18, 2019 | Reply

  3. Climate Change is real. Astrophysicists have valid proof of it from any planet,  with an atmosphere. Venus, Mars, earth . Gas Giants. The composition of the atmosphere of earth is changing from human monkey-activity and radionuclide flooding. It effects the climate.  Does it
    like geophysical changes did on venus. The gas giants have constant dynamic change. 
    Gas giant moons with atmospheres, have climate change. Goes right past climate denial monekeys . The ones who say the earths climate, is only affected by the suns radiant  energy and its mag field etc etc and other mumbo jumbo. Do not expect any trolls, to note this though. I notice how the worst trolls show up on topics like this

    The combination of climate change and nuclear flooding the earth with radionuclides, is bringing down systems,  faster than most can comprehend.
    The baby boomers and, paid hacks will present specious nonsense about such things are always present on articles like this.

    Dangerous radioactive hot particles span the globe

    Comment by anonymous | November 19, 2019 | Reply

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