
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

TEPCO dumps the failed ice wall plan to contain Fukushima radiation

ice-wall-FukushimaTepco to give up the preceding frozen wall and directly fill the trenches with cement instead is going to give up the preceding water wall project and simply pour cement instead, they announced in the press conference of 9/22/2014. Extremely highly contaminated water is “retained” in the underground trenches, which are connected to the plant buildings.

Though Tepco is denying this, there is a possibility that these trenches are also severely damaged by the continuous explosions and earthquake, keep letting the coolant water leak underground and sea directly from plant buildings.  Tepco was attempting to separate the plant buildings and trenches by frozen water wall in order to pump up the extrenely highly contaminated water retained in the trenches.

However the frozen water wall has never been completed.

Instead of the frozen water wall, Tepco announced they developed the special type of cement to fill the entire trenches.In the simple math, if they pour cement, the same volume of contaminated water would be pushed out of the trenches. However Tepco states it would not leak out because they would pump up the contaminated water as they pour cement.

Because the trenches and the plant buildings are connected, they would end up having to pump up the same volume water as the entire capacity of the trenches. Tepco hasn’t announced if they prepare the enough contaminated water storage.

September 27, 2014 - Posted by | Fukushima 2014


  1. Reblogged this on Ace News Desk 2014 and commented:

    Comment by #AceNewsGroup | September 28, 2014 | Reply

  2. […] Fukushima facility was stuck by a earthquake and tsunami in March, 2011. Since then, TEPCO has struggled to prevent the highly toxic water used to cool the reactors from reaching the ground and […]

    Pingback by Fukushima radiation up tenfold in groundwater as TEPCO braces for second typhoon in a week | Eyes Open Report | October 13, 2014 | Reply

  3. So why are you showing the ice-wall around the plant rather than the ice-curtain within the tunnels?

    Comment by kitemansa | October 20, 2014 | Reply

  4. URGENT! That ice wall was nothing but a smoke screen to fool the people! It never could have worked and TEPCO knew it from the start! Take My word readers the radiation will increase in the pacific ocean and on the coastline and beaches of CA and the entire west coast of the United States and Canada! People swimming and eating fish and seafood from the Pacific need to DETOX THEMSELVES with the natural mineral called ZEOLITE! TEPCO the Japanese nuclear power company continues to lie to the people of Japan and to the world about the true levels of radiation released into the atmosphere, ground and into the Pacific Ocean! TEPCO also continues to dump millions of gallons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean nonstop every single day to contaminate the plant life, insects, fish, ocean life and animals. We are now being told not to eat anyTuna and large fish at all because the radiation levels are unsafe to put into our body’s and Fukushima radiation is now verified to be moving into the coast of California and the beaches will soon be polluted with this radiation! There is now verified proof of DNA damage and mutations throughout the food chain and we humans are next to suffer! and if we don’t detox our bodies suffer we will! Experts recommend to commence detoxing with the natural mineral called zeolite that is proven to safely remove both radiation and heavy metals from the human body.This detox is VERY important to help prevent DNA damage that will cause disease and future ongoing mutations! For more quality information do an online search for the website with the single word Zeolite.

    Comment by Barry Cohen | November 23, 2014 | Reply

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