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USA’s Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner’s Conflict of Interest

conflict-of-interestGroups try to block nuclear regulator’s vote, citing conflict of interest WP By Josh Hicks August 21 Dozens of environmental organizations and nuclear-power opponents are trying to stop a federal regulator from participating in upcoming votes scheduled to take place one week before he starts a new leadership role with an industry group.

In a letter to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Thursday, the Sierra Club and 33 other groups called on the panel to postpone its Aug. 26 decisions until Commissioner William Magwood moves to his new job as director of the non-government Nuclear Energy Agency on Aug. 31.

“Mr. Magwood has created a real and apparent conflict of interest by pursuing and accepting a position with an international agency whose primary purpose is to promote nuclear power, at the same time he serves on a U.S. agency that is dedicated to protection of public health and safety and the environment,” the letter said…….

the opposing groups said a vote by the commissioner would lead to questions about whether he “influenced the agency to gloss over the serious problems that attend the long-term storage and disposal of spent reactor fuel, in order to fulfill his new mission of promoting nuclear energy worldwide.”…..

August 22, 2014 - Posted by | secrets,lies and civil liberties, USA


  1. The NRC is completely supportive of the nuclear industry and the proof is that if they were not then we would be seeing many more fines and/or worse instead of industry slaps on the wrist.

    A perfect case in point is the San Onofre CA multibillion replacement steam generator design failure/debacle that placed all of southern California in danger, yet the details and investigation into the “root causes” are still unknown and the NRC continues to withhold information about it from even their Senate Oversight Comm. chaired by Senator B. Boxer.

    Comment by CaptD | August 23, 2014 | Reply

  2. Love your artwork. It just keeps getting better and better!

    Comment by miningawareness | August 26, 2014 | Reply

    • thank you! most encouraging!

      Comment by Christina MacPherson | August 26, 2014 | Reply

      • You need to make a book of the pictures. They are a wonderful contribution!

        Comment by miningawareness | August 26, 2014

      • Thanks again! No time for that – but lovely for me to get a swelled head

        Comment by Christina MacPherson | August 26, 2014

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