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New Zealand under pressure because of its anti nuclear policy

“Most disturbing is a report that our Defence Chief in 2006, Bruce Ferguson, seems to have complained to the Americans about our anti-nuclear policy being too inflexible. The head of the armed forces is supposed to be our most loyal citizen.”….

Nuclear issue thrums at heart of US-NZ diplomacy , TVNZ, December 21, 2010 The United States’ focus on New Zealand’s anti-nuclear stance and the Anzus split stands out in the screeds of diplomatic cables sent from the US Embassy in Wellington, and released by Wikileaks.

New Zealand adopted nuclear-free legislation in 1984 when David Lange’s Labour government swept into power – effectively blocking visits by US warships.

In a February 2006 cable then Ambassador Bill McCormick talks about the National Party being open to dropping the ban.

He said the anti-nuclear issue dominated a National Party caucus retreat and MP Murray McCully suggested the party drop its nuclear ban policy, which required a referendum before making changes……

Green MP Keith Locke yesterday said he was concerned by revelations in the Wikileaks cables that senior civil servants are pushing the US government’s agenda rather than acting in New Zealand’s interests.

“It is apparent from the documents that changes to our anti-terrorism laws over the last few years have been driven by the US government, with leading police and Foreign Affairs Ministry people willing partners in this process,” Locke said.

“Most disturbing is a report that our Defence Chief in 2006, Bruce Ferguson, seems to have complained to the Americans about our anti-nuclear policy being too inflexible. The head of the armed forces is supposed to be our most loyal citizen.”….

Nuclear issue thrums at heart of US-NZ diplomacy | POLITICS News

December 21, 2010 - Posted by | New Zealand, politics international, Wikileaks

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