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TODAY What a disaster, if the anti-war movement brings Donald Trump back to the White House!

If there ever was a time for clear thinking, that time is now! There is a real danger that good , caring Americans might decide to vote for Donald Trump, because he promises to prevent World War 3.

Donald Trump is promising to bring peace to Ukraine. And he’s promising to stop the massive haemorrhaging of tax-payers’ money to Ukraine’s suicidal fight against Russia.

Trump has repeatedly argued that US President Joe Biden’s policy of open-ended military support for Ukraine is leading the US toward a “third world war,” and has promised that he would end the conflict “in 24 hours” if he defeats Biden in this November’s presidential election“-

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

The only problem is – you can’t believe a word that Donald Trump says.

Yes, Trump accidentally tells the truth sometimes. He sure is right about the endless gravy train of money to the sainted Zelensky – and that it should be stopped.

But note –  “Trump did not lobby his Congressional allies to block the $61 billion aid package in April, and said at the time that he would support lending, rather than gifting, money to Zelensky in future.

Donald Trump’s history of lies and deception would fill a book- and indeed, it has filled several – and documentaries, too.

And do you think for one moment, that the ruthless money machine of the big corporations that fund Trump, would let him stop the weapons buying, even if he wanted to?

No USA President can stop the funding of weapons for USA’s permanent overseas wars – because no man or woman can ever get into political office without the financial backing of big corporations – and there are none bigger than the weapons-makers

June 20, 2024 - Posted by | Christina's notes

1 Comment »

  1. The trump charade wanted underground nuclear testing. Now they are hammering it again.

    Comment by Hdyr | June 21, 2024 | Reply

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