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TODAY. G7 – and the juggernaut to the destruction of Ukraine rolls on – to the delight of weapons companies.

Cartoon from Sunday Telegraph

Well, well, ain’t it grand? The G7 will lend Ukraine $50 billion to help it buy weapons . Not that Ukraine will be expected to pay it back – it’s supposed to be repaid with profits earned from Russian assets in Europe. European companies want a share, especially European arms manufacturers. Some of the money will go to establishing weapons manufacture in Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a 10-year bilateral security agreement on 13 June aimed at strengthening Kyiv’s defence capabilities – a step towards “Ukraine’s eventual membership in the NATO alliance”

Is everyone swallowing this nonsense?

Putin is suggesting an immediate ceasefire, with Ukraine withdrawing its troops from the predominantly Russian-speaking four former oblasts of Ukraine that Russia currently occupies, and which Russia has integrated into the Russian Federation, and publicly abandons its quest to join NATO. Russia would retain Crimea. Numerous surveys have confirmed that the people of Crimea are content with their 2014 choice to join Russia. Ukraine, Russia, and the European powers previously agreed to a similar plan in 2014

Zelensky originally came to power on a campaign of peace, ensuring the autonomy of those four regions. His term of office has expired. He’s now operating on behalf of the USA, and running a regime that suppresses political parties, free speech and religious affiliation. It’s almost comical how Zelensky struts the world stage demanding more weapons, as Ukraine’s military suffers huge death toll, and draft-dodging abounds. Ukraine’s economy, agriculture, wrecked, – millions have emigrated, and many are hungry. And it’s becoming clear that Russia is winning.

The Peace Conference in Switzerland a farcedesigned to bolster Zelensky as the great world “freedom leader?

The hypocrisy of the “Peace Conference” now going on in Switzerland – not attended by leaders of USA, China, Brazil. India – and of course, Russia not invited. The peace terms are limited to nuclear safety, food security (i.e. Ukraine’s ability to export its food by sea) and the return of Ukrainian children transferred to Russia. But Volodymr Zelensky insists on matters not included on the agenda – a complete Russian withdrawal to 1991 borders, payment of reparations, and punishment for what he says are Russian war crimes.

Not on Ukraine’s, NATO nations’, USA’s, radar is any question of considering Putin’s terms, or even talking to Putin.

It looks as if U.S. President Joe Biden is leading NATO by the nose, -with U.S weapons companies rejoicing, with the saintly Zelensky as glowing lead Field Marshal – pressing on to the complete destruction of Ukraine.

June 15, 2024 - Posted by | Christina's notes

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