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Venezuela loses its last glacier as it shrinks down to an ice field

Scientists reclassify Humboldt glacier, also known as La Corona, after it melted faster than expected

Neelima Vallangi, 8 May 24

 Venezuela has lost its last remaining glacier after it shrunk so much that
scientists reclassified it as an ice field. It is thought Venezuela is the
first country to have lost all its glaciers in modern times. The country
had been home to six glaciers in the Sierra Nevada de Mérida mountain
range, which lies at about 5,000m above sea level. Five of the glaciers had
disappeared by 2011, leaving just the Humboldt glacier, also known as La
Corona, close to the country’s second highest mountain, Pico Humboldt.

May 10, 2024 - Posted by | climate change

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