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13 April Online Zoom: Don’t pollute the sea any more! citizen meeting

A network of citizens centered in Fukushima who oppose the release of contaminated water into the ocean.

 Saturday, April 13, 2024 10:00-12:30

  Using the online conference system ZOOM (application required)

Registration required: Please register below.

(Language) Japanese/English (with consecutive interpretation)

(Cooperation) FoE Japan, Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World, No-News Asia Forum Japan

(Sponsor) Don’t pollute the sea any more! citizen meeting

On August 24, 2023, despite great concerns and voices of opposition from fishermen, citizens at home and abroad, scientists, and other countries, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company announced that the radioactive contamination caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident has been confirmed. They forced the dumping of water into the ocean.

I feel great anger and regret.

In times like this, what will give us strength is the voice of Fukushima and solidarity across borders.

“Don’t pollute the sea any more! Citizens’ Conference holds study sessions to connect with people in Japan and around the world.

Attorney Yuichi Kaito will speak about the “Litigation for an Injunction to Dump Radioactively Contaminated Water into the Ocean,” which began in March.

As our main guests, we will invite Fukushima fisherman Haruo Ono and folklorist Hide Kawashima to talk about the wonders of living with the ocean and their thoughts on dumping contaminated water into the ocean.

We will also receive messages of solidarity from people in the United States, the Philippines, and Australia.

Share new learnings and encouragement.

Please join us. We look forward to…………………………………………………..

April 10, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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