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TODAY. NATO/USA – dancing macabrely to World War 3?

The Danse Macabre consists of the dead, or a personification of death, summoning representatives from all walks of life to dance along to the grave, The effect is both frivolous and terrifying, beseeching its audience to react emotionally. – Wikipedia

I wonder did those lovely well-paid NATO representatives have a nice social time, too, in the Brussels Summit April 3 -4, surely a dinner, perhaps a dance? Well, they did, in a way, do a danse macabre, as they fell in like ninepins to the aims of Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and of my favourite sweetly spoken war-monger, Antony Blinken. ( All except Hungary, but they don’t count, as they’re on speaking terms with Russia.)

The danse macabre idea derived from the Middle Ages – when mass deaths happened from famine and plague – it was perhaps some kind of coping mechanism – and a way to face up to the fears of what was coming.

NATO representatives dutifully discussed $107b Ukraine military aid package, a multi-year financial commitment for Ukraine, dutifully agreeing that everyone must do more to ensure a Ukrainian victory against Russia, and “rock solid” that Ukraine will join NATO.  “Our purpose at the summit is to help build a bridge to that membership,” – Antony Blinken.

NATO/USA aims to draw in “Indo-Pacific partners” – Australia, NZ. South Korea ,Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan. NATO/USA sees a Ukrainian victory as a necessity for global peace and freedom. And I guess that a Taiwanese victory over China will be visualised in the same way.

Did anyone raise matters like the situation of Ukrainian casualties, the crippling of Ukraine’s environment, economy, and social structure, the Russian success on the ground, the perils of Ukraine striking sites far inside Russia? Apart from Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó , did anyone suggest a negotiated end to the Ukrainian bloodbath?

The Ukrainian people are overwhelmed with the sufferings of fighting Russia on behalf of NATO/USA. But to NATO/USA – is it some sort of game of Russian roulette – how far can they push Russia? And is it preparatory to another game of Taiwan fighting China? And is it fun to toy with the chance of World War 3 ?

April 6, 2024 - Posted by | Christina's notes, politics international


  1. 2025 is the end. Kids not being able to go to the school anymore, from extreme heat. Nuclear catastrophe. Tipping point radionuclide, and chemical pollution. Economic, political and social break down of the west leading to ww3

    Comment by Uejs | April 7, 2024 | Reply

  2. Noam chomsky is over 90. Even on his worst days, he is a thousand percent more clear minded and honest, than these two nincompoop demons, biden and trump. Two incompetent cretins, on which the usa and west are dependent . With climate change, more wars than ever, inescapable pollution and nuclear war hanging in the balance. This is what it comes down to.

    Trump a criminal rascist fascist and rapist. He is a horrible candidate. He is deeply unpopular. If he is likely to win, it is he responsibility of the democraps and the entire political class, which seems to be doing everything it can to hand Trump the election, starting with the bumbo bidenho himself.

    Comment by Nadne | April 7, 2024 | Reply

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