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‘I was a guinea pig during secret Christmas Island nuclear tests’

By Nicola Haseler & Lewis Adams. BBC News, Bedfordshire. 28 Feb 24

A former Royal Engineer who witnessed several atomic and hydrogen bomb explosions as part of the UK’s nuclear tests said he was a “guinea pig”.

Brian Cantle, from Bedfordshire, was 21 when he was sent to Christmas Island as part of his national service in 1957.

He and the other soldiers were not told what they were going to do there – due to the covert nature of the programme.

Mr Cantle, now 87, has been awarded a Nuclear Test Medal for his work on the Pacific Ocean island.

The veteran, from Whipsnade, witnessed several atomic and hydrogen bomb explosions during his 12 months on the island.

He was one of 22,000 British servicemen who participated in the British and United States’ nuclear tests and clean-ups between 1952 and 1965……………………………………………

On the days when bombs were tested, Mr Cantle said troops would have to put on brown overalls and face the other way to the bomb going off.

He added: “It was just a big flash and then we were told we could turn round and see it. It was an enormous explosion.”

‘We were guinea pigs’

In the decades that have followed the tests, calls have been made for the men who witnessed a nuclear test to receive an apology for the health risks they were exposed to.

“We were guinea pigs, we were just told what to do and did it,” Mr Cantle said………

The Grapple H-bomb nuclear test series was intended to show that the British had the technology to influence the Cold War, following the development of the atomic bomb by U.S. scientist Robert Oppenheimer.

The hydrogen bombs, which were much more powerful than atomic bombs, were detonated every three months…….

February 29, 2024 - Posted by | history, UK

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