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Shameless Emmanuel Macron demands British taxpayers cough up more cash for nuclear power

The French are to blame for EDF’s financial woes and the UK taxpayer should not be on the hook, top Brexiteer Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg said.

By ALESSANDRA SCOTTO DI SANTOLO, World News Reporter,, Wed, Feb 14, 2024

A member of Emmanuel Macron’s cabinet has shamelessly demanded that British taxpayers cough up more cash for nuclear power stations. In a move that has ignited a cross-channel spat, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has demanded that Britain contributes additional funds to cover the soaring costs of nuclear power plants being constructed in the UK by French energy giant EDF.

Le Maire made the infuriating request during an International Energy Agency ministerial meeting in Paris, indicating that he would seek “an equitable sharing of costs” for projects such as Hinkley Point C in Somerset and Sizewell C in Suffolk.

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Shameless Emmanuel Macron demands British taxpayers cough up more cash for nuclear power

EXCLUSIVE: The French are to blame for EDF’s financial woes and the UK taxpayer should not be on the hook, top Brexiteer Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg said.

By ALESSANDRA SCOTTO DI SANTOLO, World News Reporter, Feb 14, 2024 

France intends to ask the UK Government to share extra costs for the Hinkley Point power plant (Image: Getty)

A member of Emmanuel Macron’s cabinet has shamelessly demanded that British taxpayers cough up more cash for nuclear power stations. In a move that has ignited a cross-channel spat, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has demanded that Britain contributes additional funds to cover the soaring costs of nuclear power plants being constructed in the UK by French energy giant EDF.

Le Maire made the infuriating request during an International Energy Agency ministerial meeting in Paris, indicating that he would seek “an equitable sharing of costs” for projects such as Hinkley Point C in Somerset and Sizewell C in Suffolk.

The cost of Hinkley Point C has skyrocketed to £46billion, a substantial increase from the initially proposed £18billion when contracts were signed in 2016, prompting concerns and discussions about who should bear the financial burden of the overruns.

February 18, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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