
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

TODAY. How very unfashionable! Scottish MP is worrying about health aspects of nuclear power, (instead of the finances!).

Really and truly ! Doesn’t he understand what the zeitgeist Is? (OK – I’m not really sure what zeitgeist means, anyway).

But the thing is. If you want to talk seriously about the nuclear industry, then you must just focus on the costs and the (supposed) financial benefits.

Nobody’s that interested in public health these days. it’s all about the money. Perhaps we should be grateful for this global obsession about money and profits. It’s the one thing that might stop this toxic industry.

MP Allan Dorans of Scotland has had the temerity to suggest that disturbance of the seabed on the Cumbrian coast might cause radioactivity from nuclear wastes to be transmitted up the food chain - increasing cancer risks.

Last year, the British Medical Journal aired a similar warning, about the cancer risks from low level ionising radiation – Cancer mortality after low dose exposure to ionising radiation in workers in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

But that story didn’t really catch on. And after all, with the increasing numbers of cancer cases, we’re all gonna need increased nuclear electricity for the medical technology - and nuclear power is supposed to be cheaper, isn’t it?

February 3, 2024 - Posted by | Christina's notes

1 Comment »

  1. For many years, low level ionization nuclear waste was put into steel 55 gallon drums, sealed and dumbed into the oceans all over the world. Graham Nash the folk-rock singer-song writer, of the Hollies & the Group Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young wrote a song about it in the 1970’s when he became a solo act, called “Barrels of Pain.” The problem with hazmat suits, masks, gloves, low level isotopes, mops, buckets, brooms, air filters and other lab, medical & industrial or nuclear waste that is an alpha or low level nuclear waste is that as the article says in concentrates as it moves up the food chain.

    These “Barrels of Pain,” rust, break open and it’s radioactive particles are sweep away by the ocean water and the marine organisms, plankton, seaweed, fish etc. ingest it. The low level radiation can be blocked by aluminum foil. The danger is that once eating or drinking these low-level alpha radiation isotopes like strontium-90, which is chemically similar to calcium, it seeks out your bones and teeth, and that is how it causes cancer and genetic mutations, harmful to your health and other living things.

    But now we just bury this low-level waste on land, who knows where now. But that is how it gets into the ground water. Nuclear waste has no permanent solution. The safest and simplest solution to the nuclear waste problem is to not create it in the first place. No nuclear weapons and no nuclear power. I don’t know what we are going to do with nuclear medical waste from diagnostic x-rays, radioactive dyes & contrast medium or for cancer treatment.

    When President Jimmy Carter was in the Navy, he was lowered into a nuclear reactor in Canada to make repairs. His urine and feces was radioactive for 6 months after his repair work, wearing a mask, googles, glove and a hazardous waste cover suit. Nuclear power, nuclear weapons, & nuclear waste are not safe. He is very lucky to still be alive today.

    Comment by paulrodenlearning | February 3, 2024 | Reply

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