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Belarus says it is to change policy on nuclear weapons

AP, TALLINN, Estonia,

Belarus on Tuesday said that the country would put forth a new military doctrine that for the first time provides for the use of nuclear weapons.

Russia last year sent tactical nuclear weapons to be stationed in Belarus, although there are no details about how many.

Russia has said it would maintain control over those weapons, which are intended for battlefield use and have short ranges and comparatively low yields.

It was not immediately clear how the new doctrine might be applied to the Russian weapons.

“We clearly communicate Belarus’ views on the use of tactical nuclear weapons stationed on our territory,” Belarusian Minister of Defense Viktor Khrenin said at a meeting of the Belarusian Security Council.

“A new chapter has appeared, where we clearly define our allied obligations to our allies,” Khrenin added.

The doctrine is to be presented for approval to the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, a representative body that operates in parallel with the nation’s parliament.

Belarus had tactical and long-range nuclear weapons when it was part of the Soviet Union, but transferred them to Russia after the collapse of the bloc.

Russia used Belarus territory as a springboard to send its troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, and has maintained its military bases and weapons there, although Belarusian soldiers are not known to have taken part in the war.

Belarusian Security Council Secretary Alexander Volfovich said that the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons in the nation was intended to deter aggression from Poland, a NATO member.

“Unfortunately, statements by our neighbors, in particular Poland … forced us to strengthen” the military doctrine, Volfovich said.

January 18, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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