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US Offers Up To $500MM for Advanced Nuclear Fuel Production

by Jov Onsat, Rigzone Staff, Monday, January 15, 2024

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is offering contracts worth up to $500 million in total for the production of a uranium fuel for smaller nuclear reactors, as it announced a breakthrough in an enrichment project

The request for proposals is for the enrichment of high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU). Currently this fuel is produced only in Russia and the US but only the former makes it at a commercial scale, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The United Kingdom government earlier this month announced funding to enable domestic HALEU production.

“Currently, HALEU is not commercially available from U.S.-based suppliers, and boosting domestic supply could spur the development and deployment of advanced reactors in the United States”, the DOE noted in a press release announcing the funding offer……………………………………………………

Each contractor is assured of a minimum order value of $2 million. They must conduct enrichment and storage activities in the continental US and comply with the National Environmental Policy Act, the DOE said. Proposals are until March 8.

The $500 million offer includes a DOE request announced November for services to deconvert the uranium enriched through this funding into metal, oxide and other forms to be used as fuel for advanced reactor

January 17, 2024 - Posted by | business and costs, Small Modular Nuclear Reactors, USA

1 Comment »

  1. This effort to produce low enriched uranium nuclear fuel for SMR’s is yet another attempt by the government to support an energy technology, that is too expensive, too dangerous and totally unnecessary for our energy needs. It is time for the US Government to get nuclear power off of welfare, clean up the wastes we have, and engage in an “Apollo Lunar Landing Mission Type Project” to transition to a 100% renewable energy economy, with just solar, wind, geothermal & hydroelectric power. The Solutions Project has the plans to do just that for all 50 States and 146 Countries from all over the world. We “will not starve & freeze in the dark,” nor “wreck our economy in the process.”

    Comment by paulrodenlearning | January 17, 2024 | Reply

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