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China’s Low-Cost Nuclear Offer Faces Scrutiny in Kazakhstan

By Eurasianet – Dec 27, 2023,

  • The Chinese proposal offers a nuclear plant at half the price of French, Russian, and South Korean alternatives.
  • Concerns arise over the Chinese design using outdated technology, despite compatibility with Kazakh-produced fuel assemblies.
  • The projected cost for a two-unit nuclear power plant is over $12 billion, with an output of 2.4 GW of power.

A Kazakh media outlet, citing a watchdog group representative, is reporting that the Kazakh government is balking at a Chinese proposal to build the Central Asian nation’s first nuclear power plant. The Kazakh government has not officially commented on the report. …………..

December 28, 2023 - Posted by | 1 NUCLEAR ISSUES, Kazakhstan

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