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Sweden, France strengthen cooperation on nuclear

EurActive, By Paul Messad | Euractiv France | translated by Daniel Eck 20 Dec 23

France could soon build several nuclear reactors in Sweden, according to a letter of intent signed by the two countries’ energy ministers on the sidelines of the EU’s Energy Council on Tuesday (19 December).

The agreement comes after French President Emmanuel Macron and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson signed a joint declaration in January to give nuclear energy a prominent place in bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

On the domestic front, the French government has decided to build six new reactors by 2035 and a possible eight more by 2050, while Sweden also has plans to revive its nuclear industry.

Sweden’s new right-wing government has managed, by a very narrow majority in parliament, to give the go-ahead for the construction of two new reactors by 2035 and 10 more by 2045.

…………………………………………………………….. Lobbying in Brussels

“Nuclear power is back in Europe,” said Pannier-Runacher after signing the letter on Tuesday (19 December).

In this context, France and Sweden reiterated the importance of the “technological neutrality” principle “with the objective of strengthening Europe’s sovereignty and energy security”.

To convey this message, the two governments are counting on the Nuclear Alliance launched in Stockholm in February 2023, which now brings together more than 10 EU countries, including France and Sweden.

December 21, 2023 - Posted by | EUROPE, politics international

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