
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

TODAY. Nuclear weasel words, for example “challenge” when it’s really a “ghastly insoluble problem.”

“Challenge” pops up quite often these days. It’s the one to use instead of a more accurate one like “a worry” “a problem” “an awful dangerous situation”

“Challenge” is a good word to use – it’s calming, becalming – carries that comfortable notion that everything is OK, really. Soon to be solved. No need to think about it any more.

So – no surprise that the nuclear industry uses it – a lot.

Today’s weasel word “challenge” popped up in an article “The Navy Finally Figured Out How to Scrap the First-Ever Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier: USS”

Sounds alright — except that they didn’t really figure it out “finally”. The nuclear fuel, and the used reactor, and the hull, will be radioactive for many thousands of years. And after the author outlines the hugely expensive and dangerous process of scrapping it all, there will be many more deadly dangerous nuclear carriers to be scrapped.

This is described as facing “challenges”.

But it’s not just a challenge. It really is another insoluble danger. They don’t know what to do with the used fuel. The Hanford graveyard pictured above is going to remain permanently dangerous.

This is so typical of this noxious industry, run by men who have no concern for the harmful results of their clever gimmicks, and no concern for the future’s people who will inherit this horrible waste problem.

So – theyr’e making a new fleet of nuclear aircraft carriers, – and not worrying about things like safety, health dangers, weapons proliferation………….. they’re just challenges to be overcome, for sure. No worries.

November 28, 2023 - Posted by | Christina's notes

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