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Sizewell C nuclear plant project disputed at Court of Appeal

Yahoo! Lifestyle, Ben Parker and Brian Farmer, – BBC News and PA Media, Thu, 2 November 2023 

A group campaigning against the construction of a £20bn nuclear power station in Suffolk has started to have its case heard in the Court of Appeal.

Together Against Sizewell C has argued the government failed to assess the environmental impact of the project when granting planning permission.

The two-day hearing will focus on how a permanent water supply to the site will be provided.

In June, a High Court judge said the planning permission was lawful.

But Together Against Sizewell C successfully overturned the decision in September, triggering the latest hearing at the Court of Appeal in London.

Lady Justice Andrews and Lord Justice Lewis are presiding over the case, but a result is not expected for some time.

Barrister David Wolfe KC, leading Together Against Sizewell C’s legal team, told the judges the central issue related to whether a “development consent order” was lawful “without any assessment” of the environmental impacts of an “essential” fresh water supply.

A Together Against Sizewell C spokesman said in a statement outside court: “It is clear the business secretary needed to guarantee how a permanent water supply of two million litres per day for Sizewell C would be obtained, before giving consent.

However, the environmental impact of such a plant was not included in the planning application for the nuclear power plant, and therefore was neither assessed nor taken into account.”…………………………….. #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclearfree #NoNukes

November 2, 2023 - Posted by | Legal, UK

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