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Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara have decamped to a luxury mansion with a deep nuclear bunker

Daily Mail, By MELANIE SWAN, 29 October 2023

  • Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara are hiding in a luxury mansion
  • It is owned by US billionaire Simon Falic, and comes with high security 

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara have decamped to the luxury mansion with a deep nuclear bunker, amid growing public anger towards the country’s leaders.

The gated mansion in a Jerusalem mansion, owned by US billionaire Simon Falic, comes with high-level security.

He said the staff are being moved there, including their personal chef, with the preparations suggesting future meetings with world leaders will also be relocated there.

The decision to move into a residence with a deep nuclear bunker is not a common one in Israel, even among the super-rich.

But with the looming threat from Iran, a handful of the PM’s inner circle have built them……………………………………….

Prior to the Hamas atrocities, hundreds of thousands of Israelis had been protesting against the premier and his right-wing coalition over plans to reform the judicial system, allegations of cronyism and allowing Jewish settlers to expand into more areas that were supposed to be occupied by Palestinians. #nuclear #antinuclear #NoNukes

October 30, 2023 - Posted by | Israel, safety

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