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Banish Nuclear Weapons ‘to History Books, Once and for All’, Urges Secretary-General, Marking International Day 13 Sept 23

Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, observed on 26 September:

The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons reminds us that a peaceful future depends on ending the nuclear threat.

Geopolitical mistrust and competition have spiked the nuclear risk to cold war levels.  Meanwhile, hard-won progress over many decades to prevent the use, spread and testing of nuclear weapons is being undone.

On this important Day, we reaffirm our commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons and the humanitarian catastrophe their use would unleash.

This means nuclear-weapon States leading the way by meeting their disarmament obligations, and committing to never use nuclear weapons under any circumstances.

It means strengthening the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime, including through the Treaties on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

It means all countries that have not yet ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty to do so without delay, and for those States that possess nuclear weapons to ensure a moratorium on all nuclear testing.

It means taking into account the evolving nuclear order, and addressing the blurring lines between strategic and conventional weapons and the nexus with new and emerging technologies.

Above all, it means deploying the timeless tools of dialogue, diplomacy and negotiation to ease tensions and end the nuclear threat.  The recently launched policy brief on a New Agenda for Peace calls on Member States to urgently recommit to this important cause.

The only way to eliminate the nuclear risk is to eliminate nuclear weapons.  Let’s work together to banish these devices of destruction to the history books, once and for all.

September 15, 2023 Posted by | weapons and war | Leave a comment

Radioactive material leaks detected at Japan’s plutonium nuclear fuel research facility

New Straits Times By Bernama – September 13, 2023 

TOKYO: The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has confirmed the detection of radioactive material leaks in one of its nuclear fuel research facilities but reported no adverse effects on the health of the staff or the surrounding environment, Xinhua quoted local media reports.

The leaks were detected within the Plutonium Fuel Development Room No. 3 at the JAEA’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, located in Tokai Village, Ibaraki Prefecture, national news agency Kyodo reported, citing the agency.

Last Friday, the Plutonium Fuel Development Room No. 3 identified pollution caused by radioactive materials at four locations within the facility.

The pollution was discovered during a routine inspection of the glovebox equipment, which is designed to be airtight………………………..

At present, the cause of the radioactive material leak is under investigation. Authorities at the laboratories suspected that the radioactive materials may have seeped out of the equipment. –BERNAMA

September 15, 2023 Posted by | Japan, safety | Leave a comment

NATO’s Steadfast Defender Drills Near Russia Signal Bloc’s Shift to ‘War Footing’

Ilya Tsukanov, Sputnik News 11 Sept 23

All thirty-one NATO countries plus Sweden are reportedly gearing up to conduct the bloc’s biggest military drills since the Cold War in early 2024. Sputnik reached out to Michael Maloof, a former security policy analyst with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, to get a sense of the risks posed by the exercises.

British business media reported Monday that NATO plans to hold large-scale exercises across Germany, Poland and the Baltic countries between February and March of 2024, with the drills’ pretext being to practice “repelling Russian aggression” against allies. The drills, dubbed Steadfast Defender 24, are set to involve up to 41,000 troops, 50 warships, and to feature between 500-700 air combat missions, according to sources familiar with the plans.

The exercises are the first of their kind since 2021, with the alliance previously mostly avoiding large-scale exercises in Russia’s direct vicinity amid concerns about Moscow’s possible reaction amid repeated warnings by Russian Foreign Intelligence that some NATO countries may be preparing to transform the Ukrainian proxy conflict into a direct shooting war with Russia.

The drills are “designed to put Russia and allies in the most unfavorable position,” former Pentagon analyst Michael Maloof told Sputnik.

Pointing to the exercises’ expected heavy focus on air power, something Ukraine has lacked utterly throughout its three-month long counteroffensive this summer, Maloof emphasized that the drills appear aimed at going “from being reactionary in terms of reacting to a crisis, to actually going on a war footing” on NATO’s part, “assuming that there’s an invasion, and that Russia has allies participating.”

The exercises will be meant to “show coordination on a wartime footing,” the observer said, and NATO will likely use experience gained by observing fighting in Ukraine to “coordinate their air, sea, land, but also their space and cyber capabilities together.”

“That said,” Maloof noted, “the reality is” that much of NATO’s stocks of war materiel “have been depleted because of Ukraine,” with Europe and the United States each running low on weapons and ammunition after sending nearly $100 billion in arms assistance to Kiev over the past 18 months.

“If, in fact, there was a war, Russia would certainly activate ships and other aircraft and what have you in international waters and perhaps off the coast of the United States to deal with” US attempts to set up a logistical supply train across the Atlantic.

The observer doesn’t believe that the alliance is “really ready for a real confrontation and real head-on war” with Russia, with any conflagration certain to result in “tremendous losses.”…………………. more

September 15, 2023 Posted by | EUROPE, weapons and war | Leave a comment

Germany’s Scholz: Fresh nuclear disarmament talks should include China

Reuters, September 12, 2023

BERLIN, Sept 12 (Reuters) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for new international negotiations on nuclear disarmament on Tuesday, saying that not only Russia and the United States but also China should be involved.

“Getting a fresh start on arms control would be very important,” he said at a religious event in Berlin, adding that several other countries had also built up a nuclear arsenal.

Preventing Iran from producing uranium that could contribute to nuclear weapon production “remains an important task,” he said.

Scholz said nuclear weapons posed an existential threat to humanity, which is why there is an “immediate obligation” to do everything possible to ensure they are never used.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the number of operational nuclear weapons rose slightly in 2022 as countries implemented long-term force modernisation and expansion plans.

Reporting by Andreas Rinke, Writing by Friederike Heine, Editing by Miranda Murray

September 15, 2023 Posted by | China, politics international | Leave a comment

Elon Musk’s X venture – leading us into a digital prison?

X marks the spot

Global Sovereignty Solutions,, Wed, 26 Jul 2023


When I read that Elon Musk was buying Twitter for $44 billion USD, it seemed really odd at first. It didn’t make sense to me.

After I thought about it for a bit, it clicked.

I considered Musk’s connections to intelligence agencies and the MIC (Military Industrial Complex). After all, tech companies are basically front companies for the former, and his involvement with SpaceX means he’s deep with various military organizations – and it also means he must have a very high-level security clearance.

I also considered that Musk’s largest business ventures are centered around government in some way too. Tesla (and the solar company) are eligible for massive subsidies for buyers. SpaceX’s contracts are government/military. The guy knows how to position himself well, that’s for sure.

This Twitter/X venture is no different. It’s all part of the digital prison the social engineers are working to erect all around us.

Here’s where it’s heading.

Digital ID system

I’ve been sending out a warning online about how this move to X Corp. isn’t just some corporate re-branding strategy.

It’s not because Elon doesn’t like blue birds. Or maybe he does, who knows.

It’s about a massive push towards centralization of internet access and one’s ability to function in an ever-increasing online world.

To be able to function in modern society – online as so many of us are – there will be various compliance measures. These measures will strip away the thin veneer of privacy that already exists.

Musk said he bought it so that he could create an ‘everything app,’ similar to WeChat in China. He wants an app that combines, or aggregates, various apps we already use, into one centralized app.

Musk wants the ability to share memes, to do video calls, to bank – all in a single app.

Sounds convenient, but convenience is always the enemy of freedom.

Payment systems

Musk originally wanted PayPal to be what X is becoming – a superapp where people can do a variety of activities on, but also as a financial/payment platform. Apparently this helped get him ousted as CEO.

More recently, Musk has said this about Twitter/X:

In the months to come, we will add comprehensive communications and the ability to conduct your entire financial world.

Whether this is run on fiat currency, Doge, BTC, or something else remains to be seen. I’m sure it’ll be an iterative process. Many in the BTC space are already calling for BTC to be the main player here, but it’s too soon to tell. I’m sure it’ll be a ledger system that allows them to see – and more importantly, censor – certain activities.

Regardless, it ties in exactly with what the central planners want.

World Economic Forum (WEF)

The WEF has been pushing for a Digital ID for years now……………

Similar to what Musk described above, right? An ‘everything app’ along with biometric data, among many other sensitive information, to then function in society.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Musk’s connections to intelligence

In addition to the aforementioned reasons to be concerned, is that Musk has deep connections to intelligence agencies and the military.

The major social media companies are basically fronts for the intelligence companies. Gathering data, manipulating public opinion, etc.

And his work with SpaceX means he’s integrally linked to various military/government contracts. He must have a high-level security clearance. He knows some serious inner-workings of the US and other governments.

I don’t doubt that these same agencies put up or loaned a portion, if not the majority, of that $44 billion.


Musk has also mentioned how WeChat is essentially a blueprint for what he wants.

Again, this is the Chinese model they want to push onto the rest of the world – remember that.

From Wikipedia,

WeChat has been described as China’s “app for everything” and a super-app because of its wide range of functions. WeChat provides text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, broadcast (one-to-many) messaging, video conferencing, video games, mobile payment, sharing of photographs and videos and location sharing.

That’s exactly what Musk has described.

Now read this part, also from Wikipedia,

Accounts registered using Chinese phone numbers are managed under the Weixin brand, and their data is stored in mainland China and subject to Weixin’s terms of service and privacy policy, which forbids content which “endanger[s] national security, divulge[s] state secrets, subvert[s] state power and undermine[s] national unity”. Non-Chinese numbers are registered under WeChat, and WeChat users are subject to a different, less strict terms of service and stricter privacy policy, and their data is stored in the Netherlands for users in the European Union, and in Singapore for other users. User activity on Weixin, the Chinese version of the app, is analyzed, tracked and shared with Chinese authorities upon request as part of the mass surveillance network in China. Chinese-registered Weixin accounts censor politically sensitive topics.

A ‘private’ company with such incredibly critical and sensitive information that will most certainly engage in censorship. They’ll certainly comply with government demands too.

That’s what X is on the path to becoming.………………………………..

September 15, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Ukrainians blame Zelensky for corruption – poll 13 Sept 23

Nearly eight in ten citizens believe the country’s president is “directly responsible” for rampant graft, a new survey has shown

The vast majority of Ukrainians believe that President Vladimir Zelensky is at fault for widespread corruption in the country’s government and military, a new study has revealed.

The poll, released on Monday, found that 78% of Ukrainian adults see Zelensky as “directly responsible” for Kiev’s corruption problem. It was conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Charitable Foundation and the Kiev International Institute of Sociology.

Prior to the launch of Russia’s military offensive in February 2022, Ukraine consistently ranked among the world’s most corrupt nations, but it was touted as a bastion of freedom and democracy as the US and its NATO allies rallied public support for massive aid to Kiev. However, Ukrainian corruption remains a concern and could hinder the country’s bid to join the European Union, an unidentified Western diplomat told Politico on Monday.

Ukraine is a “very corrupt country,” the diplomat said, adding that Zelensky’s plan to use the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) to prosecute graft cases could “send the wrong message.” Upon landing in Kiev for a surprise visit on Monday, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock reportedly said Ukraine needed to step up its efforts to fight corruption.

The Ukrainian poll was conducted from July 3 to July 17 in face-to-face interviews with thousands of citizens across the country. There were no major differences in findings based on region or socioeconomic factors. Respondents aged 60 and older took a harsher view, with 81% saying Zelensky was responsible for government corruption. The rate was 70% in the youngest segment, ages 17 to 29. Overall, only 18% of Ukrainian adults disagreed with the statement that Zelensky bears responsibility.

Documents obtained by the International Association of Investigative Journalists in 2021 showed that Zelensky and his business partners set up offshore companies to purchase lavish properties in central London. Zelensky transferred his stake in one of the companies to an aide just before he was elected president in 2019. Supporters of former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko accused Zelensky and his associates of using their offshore accounts to evade taxes.

Zelensky has purged officials in his government for alleged corruption, including an embezzlement scheme involving humanitarian aid. Just this month, he sacked Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov, who came under fire earlier this year over purchases of military rations at inflated prices. However, the new defense chief, Rustem Umerov, is reportedly under investigation for alleged crimes in his previous job.

September 15, 2023 Posted by | politics, secrets,lies and civil liberties, Ukraine | Leave a comment

Zelensky Issues Veiled Threat To Destabilize Europe If Weapons Flow Curtailed

Zero Hedge, TYLER DURDEN, WEDNESDAY, SEP 13, 2023 – 

As predicted by a number of independent geopolitical commentators, including ourselves, the emerging official narrative on why Ukraine’s counteroffensive ended in failure will be to falsely claim the West didn’t provide “enough” weapons in a timely fashion. Despite the literally tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars sunk into Kiev’s war effort at record-breaking pace and scale, it will be the “fault” of the United States and its allies—or at least this will be solidified as the Ukrainian government’s perspective and narrative (and then will be parroted among Zelensky’s most diehard hawkish supporters). 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has this week been busy advancing this as a key talking point, first telling CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Sunday his country “waited too long” to start counteroffensive. The reason? He blames the West for forcing his military leaders to wait so long for the necessary weaponry and equipment. 

We — look, we waited too long. It’s true. No, I’m thankful to partners, to the United States, EU, other partners,” Zelensky said. “I’m thankful very much to President Biden and to Congress, but we have to understand: We waited too long, they put mines.”

“Then when we been ready from the point of view of our partners because the decision to give us, for example, Bradley [Fighting Vehicles] and other kind of weapons, the decision, it doesn’t mean the result.” And The Hill underscores of his remarks, “Zelensky noted that Ukraine does not get the weapons promised to it immediately after they are announced by allies.” This is not the first time Zelensky has blamed slowness in supplies and training from his Western sponsors. But behind the scenes, his Western patrons have criticized him for being “ungrateful”. 

In late March, Zelensky when asked about why the counteroffensive was being delayed said that he can’t “start yet” as he’s unable to “send our brave soldiers to the front line without tanks, artillery and long-range rockets.” And then in May he reasserted that “We can advance with what we’ve got and I think we can be successful but we will lose a lot of people, I think that is unacceptable.” He had added at the time, “We need to wait, we need a bit more time.” The offensive later belatedly kicked off in full force in June.

In another interview freshly published this week with US media, Zelensky took this theme of “blame the West” even further. In remarks to the Economist, he issued a thinly veiled threat to those countries thinking about curtailing aid in any way, warning that “millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries” are capable of destabilizing the West. 

Here’s what Zelensky said as captured by the Economist interview published this week

Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned.

Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner”.

A number of online commentators took note of his surprisingly open and aggressively accusatory rhetoric, saying he seems to be threatening Europe with terrorism if Ukraine doesn’t get its way.

“Am I misreading this or is Zelenskyy actually threatening European countries with terrorism if they don’t send the weapons he wants to Ukraine?” Arnaud Bertrand reacted. And Max Abrahms, a counterterrorism expert and professor of international relations had this to say…

Zelensky is now threatening that Ukrainian refugees will attack Europe if it doesn’t keep the gravy train running.

In the same interview Zelensky tripled down on prior repeat vows to never negotiate with Putin or to contemplate ceding territory. …………………………………………………..

When will US, UK, and European leaders begin to say “enough is enough” when it comes to Zelensky’s chastising, humiliating and threatening them?

September 15, 2023 Posted by | politics international, Ukraine, weapons and war | Leave a comment

Small modular nuclear reactors for Ukraine (safe?)

Ukraine’s Energoatom and the US firm Westinghouse have signed a memorandum
of understanding (MoU) relating to the development and deployment of AP300
small modular reactors (SMRs) in Ukraine.

World Nuclear News 12th Sept 2023

September 15, 2023 Posted by | Small Modular Nuclear Reactors, Ukraine | Leave a comment

Japan to start old nuclear reactor checks in October

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) will begin receiving
applications for nuclear safety inspections of aged reactors from October,
ahead of the country’s new nuclear safety regulations that will take effect
on 6 June 2025.

Under the new rule, all the country’s reactors that will be
operating for or beyond 30 years as of 6 June 2025 will in advance need to
secure approval from the NRA for safety plans by 5 June 2025. Nuclear power
operators will have to obtain such permission every 10 years or less after
their 30-year operating period is over. The NRA will start safety screening
of each old reactor.

But it is still unclear how long the process will
take. If a nuclear power operator fails to secure safety permission by 5
June 2025, the company could shut down the reactor, an official at the NRA

Argus Media 13th Sept 2023

September 15, 2023 Posted by | Japan, safety | Leave a comment

Ukraine plans up to 1GW wind farm in Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone

Five years after a small solar farm was built at the site, Ukraine has
unveiled plans to develop a potentially huge wind power plant in the
Chernobyl exclusion zone – the site of the worst nuclear power plant
disaster in world history. Der Spiegel reports that a declaration of intent
was signed this week between German-based developer Notus Energy, the
Ukrainian government and electricity transmission system operator
Ukrenergo, to build an up to 1,000MW wind farm, capable of supplying power
to around 800,000 homes – including in the capital Kyiv.

Renew Economy 13th Sept 2023

September 15, 2023 Posted by | renewable, Ukraine | Leave a comment

Ukraine joining NATO ‘would not promote peace’ – ex-French president 12 Sept 23

Kiev must adopt a neutral stance between Russia and the West, Nicolas Sarkozy has said

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has warned that Ukrainian membership of NATO and the EU “would not promote peace” and would be perceived as a “provocation” by Russia.

Speaking to French news station BFMTV on Wednesday, Sarkozy argued it is in Kiev’s best interests to remain “neutral” regarding Western blocs. The former leader also insisted that diplomacy with Moscow remains the most prudent option for Ukraine to end the current conflict.

“Bringing Ukraine into NATO would not promote peace,” said Sarkozy, who served as French president between 2007 and 2012.

NATO leaders declared at a summit in Lithuania in July that the bloc would only invite Ukraine to become a member “when allies agree and conditions are met.” NATO had already denied Kiev’s calls for a “fast-track” to full membership in September of 2022.

Moscow has frequently expressed its opposition to NATO’s eastward expansion. President Vladimir Putin cited the bloc’s involvement in Ukraine as among the key reasons when Moscow began its military operation against Kiev last year.

Ukraine has also pursued EU membership and was granted formal candidate status in 2022. In June, sources within the bloc told Reuters that Kiev currently meets two of the seven conditions required to be considered for full membership.

Rather than chasing closer ties with the West, Sarkozy told BFMTV there are “two solutions” available to Ukraine and its allies to bring an end to the hostilities. The first, he claimed, is the “annihilation” of Russia – before explaining that this is unrealistic because “we are not going to wipe out the second nuclear power in the world, or the world risks falling into total war.”

According to Sarkozy, a more achievable scenario is “diplomatic discussion.” The former president stated that his experience had given him a clear view of what can be achieved over the negotiating table. “They tell me Putin has changed and [that] we cannot have discussions with him,” Sarkozy said. “Those who say that are generally those who have never met him.”

Sarkozy reiterated to BFMTV his stance that Ukraine should pursue firm neutrality in its relationships with Russia and the West, arguing: “When you wave the muleta under the bull’s nose, you shouldn’t be surprised if he attacks.”

Sarkozy’s comments follow the backlash he received for an interview with French publication Le Figaro last month, in which he said Kiev should disregard joining NATO or the EU in favor of “an international agreement providing it with extremely strong security assurances to protect it against any risk.”

September 15, 2023 Posted by | politics international, Ukraine | Leave a comment

Endless energy use needed for endless data storage – so, small nuclear reactors for Sweden

Nuclear-powered campus in Sweden will power data centers

Small modular player Kärnfull Next plans commercial campus at Nyköping

September 11, 2023 By Peter Judge 

Swedish nuclear company Kärnfull Next has announced plans for a campus of small modular reactors (SMRs) on the Swedish coast, which will power data centers.

The company plans to build the campus at a site in Nyköping, on the east coast of Sweden, where nuclear software firm Studsvik currently operates test reactors. It is planned to come on stream in 2030.

DCD has asked Kärnfull for more details, including the type of data center partners the company hopes to engage with…………………………………………

​The company is still checking on aspects such as financing, permitting, and the possibility of power purchase agreements with power off-takers, and expects to finalize some decisions on all that towards the end of 2024…………………………………………………………….

September 15, 2023 Posted by | ENERGY, Sweden | Leave a comment

Windfarm bid withdrawn after Ministry of Defence raises nuclear testing station concerns

Midlothian View, by Local Democracy Reporter, Paul Kelly, Wednesday September 13th 2023

A bid for a domestic windfarm in Hawick has been withdrawn after the Ministry of Defence (MoD) raised concerns over its potential impact on a nearby nuclear testing station.

Scottish Borders Council received a planning application for the erection of a 10.4m high turbine on land south east Of Wynburgh Cottage at Langburnshiels.

But the MoD objected to the application due to its potential impact on the Eskdalemuir Seismological Recording Station.

The normally unmanned station was established by the UK Atomic Energy Authority in 1962 as the British contribution to an international network intended to identify and locate underground nuclear tests and, later, monitor compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty…………………………more

September 15, 2023 Posted by | renewable, UK | Leave a comment