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Stop the Space Waste – Stop the Aerospace Summit

Check out this campaign on instagram or facebook.

On September 11 & 12, the NZ government is hosting the 2nd Aerospace Summit in Ōtautahi/Christchurch. We will be there to oppose this conference.

1. The “aerospace industry” is just another name for the world’s biggest weapons dealers. Lockheed Martin (world’s largest arms dealer) is one of the key sponsors of the Summit. The top 6 “aerospace companies” are all arms dealers.

2. The aerospace industry already has a massive climate impact.
 While an estimated 80% of the world’s population have never set foot on a plane, per-capita NZ has the 6th highest global emissions at 1 tonne CO₂

3. The night sky will be destroyed by rich billionaires who want to relocate to Mars. People like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson are billionaire space investors who screw over their workers and foment class war on earth, while launching garbage into space like Musk’s starlink satellite web that will pollute the sky to the point that doing actual astronomy where we learn really amazing stuff about the universe will be difficult.

4. This whole industry is based around Peter Beck and his company Rocket Lab. Beck told the people of Mahia that weapons wouldn’t be launched from his site on their land, but has been very happy to send up dozens of secret US military satellites. Meanwhile, you and I, ordinary wage earners, have paid $6 million to pave an exclusive road out to Beck’s launch pad.

There are so many reasons to oppose the development of a home-grown “aerospace” industry.

Join us for our webinar on Thursday, 31 August at 12 noon to find out more, and book your leave to join us in Ōtautahi/Christchurch to say #KeepSpaceForPeace and #StopTheSpaceWaste

Stop the Space Waste Events:

Lunchtime Webinar – Call To Action + Info Session
Thursday, 31 August at 12 noon
On Zoom
Details in facebook event
Puti Moa (Rongomaiwahine)
Edwina Hughes (Peace Movement Aotearoa)
Professor Robert McLauchlan (Climate Justice)

Stop the Aerospace Summit
11 – 12 September
Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre
More info or here

Wellington Keep Space For Peace Solidarity picket
Monday 11 September, 2023 at 12pm
Outside MBIE, Stout St, Wellington

We hope to see you there, or continue your support in ways relevant to you and your community.

Ngā mihi,
Keep Space For Peace campaigners

Auckland Peace Action started this petition on the OurActionStation community campaign platform. If there’s an issue close to your heart that you’d like to campaign on, you can start your campaign here.

August 26, 2023 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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