
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

TODAY. Perfecting “planned obsolescence” – how the USA and its allies’ taxpayers are locked into perpetual buying of useless weapons.

 The primary purpose of American and Western militarism is to make profits for private corporations, the military-industrial complex.

Typically, the weapons are vastly overpriced, overhyped and designed for perpetual consumption.

They are not for winning a war. They’re for being used up, so you have to replace them now, with yet new buying.”

Yes. The tax-payers of America and its allies are now locked in to a permanent spiral of weapons buying.

The United States’ and NATO’s weapons and training were supposed to turn the tide for Ukraine’s “stunning victory” against Russia.

That didn’t happen. But does the USA government REALLY care?

No. Why should they? The USA economy is going gangbusters. The big boys Northrop Grumman , Lockheed Martin. etc, are now perpetually selling new and more wonderful weapons of all kinds. They don’t have to worry about consumer demand.

It really is the perfect, winning economy. The so-called “consumers” don’t need to want the weapons, or even know about them As long as the war keeps going, this war economy keeps the profits rolling. No need for Ukraine to win – in fact, that would muck it all up – at least until we get Taiwan to have a war against China, with of course, the Taiwanese taking over the soldiers’ cannon-fodder, from the exhausted Ukrainians.

It’s a fail-safe system What could possibly go wrong?

August 17, 2023 - Posted by | Christina's notes

1 Comment »

  1. Human genome and human viability isdestroyed by all the radionuclides. Humans and most life wil be gone from climate change nuclear and chemical pollution

    Comment by Cecil | August 17, 2023 | Reply

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