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Melissa Parke to spearhead International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, as Oppenheimer thrusts issue into spotlight

ABC News, By David Weber, 11 Aug 23

As the film Oppenheimer and war in Ukraine both draw the world’s attention to the threat of nuclear weapons, Melissa Parke says there is no better time for change.

Key points:

  • Melissa Parke says a nuclear weapons ban is urgently needed
  • Ms Parke says the film Oppenheimer had raised public awareness around the issue
  • She says the war in Ukraine had also made people more aware of the risks

The former West Australian federal politician and UN Human Rights lawyer has been announced as the new executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

With the majority of the world’s nations supporting the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, Ms Parke said there was no better time for Australia to sign up. 

“There’s never been a more urgent time with the heightened tensions and conflict around the world to take action to eliminate nuclear weapons,” she said.

The former Labor MP for Fremantle called for “honest negotiations” around disarmament.

“Nuclear weapons do not make the planet safer, they make it an infinitely more dangerous place to be,” she said. 

“Australia’s had a proud history of championing nuclear disarmament.

“The Australian Labor Party has made a commitment in its national policy platform … [and] when they were in opposition in 2018, they made a commitment that when Labor was in government it, would sign the treaty.”…………………………………………… more

August 13, 2023 - Posted by | opposition to nuclear

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