
The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry Fukushima Chernobyl Mayak Three Mile Island Atomic Testing Radiation Isotope

TODAY. Jobs! jobs! jobs! – IN THE DEATH INDUSTRY

Quite suddenly, any vestige of Australia being an independent country has disappeared overnight.

An entire continent has been handed over to the American military machine, by Australia’s cowardly and self-serving politicians.

And the Australian media exultantly choruses “ Jobs! Jobs ! Jobs! “

I have often wondered why that chorus is repeated endlessly – in awed, religious, joy?

If you work in a caring industry, or in nurturing animals, plants, the environment, in growing food or in one of the many jobs that support life – you can derive some pride in your work. It’s good to be paid some money, but it’s especially good to be able to derive some dignity, self-respect, genuine joy, in knowing that you are genuinely contributing to well-being – to the common good.

It’s a matter of integrity – dare I mention this? – some spiritual satisfaction. You can hold your head up high.

Where is the integrity in making killing machines, things for massacring thousands of people, destroying the land and animals?

And just to make sure that the Americans really mean it, we have the odious Antony Blinken now emphasising that the USA will certainly punish our courageous Australian truth-teller Julian Assange.

PM Albanese, and wimp Foreign Minister Penny Wong just kow tow and agree!

July 30, 2023 - Posted by | Christina's notes


  1. Its not a big indusry. Most profits go to the top. Much sickness from it

    Comment by Mark | July 30, 2023 | Reply

  2. Its an ongoing nightmare. The politicians and neocons are our worst nightmare

    Comment by Fred | July 30, 2023 | Reply

  3. The usa is imploding from poverty, homelessness , inflation, infrastructure collapse, death, pollution, cancer. Infant and mother mortality, climate change.

    Comment by Dora | July 30, 2023 | Reply

  4. They poison u. Nuke u. Abuse u. Lie to u. Promise u. Hurt u. Steal from u. Keep u strung out on believing. They kill u slowly till u kill yourself. Im a dead person floating in hell

    Comment by Jin | July 30, 2023 | Reply

  5. What kind of an evil pig devil would keep pushing and building nuclear weapons

    Comment by Sara | July 30, 2023 | Reply

  6. The dummist. The oldest. The most corrupt. That is the state of the two old, imcompetent, corrupt hacks, the DNC CORPORATION AND RNC CORPORATION ARE FOISTING ON THE USA WITH THE HELP OF THE OLIGARCHIC CORPORATE MEDIA. It is not democratic. It is neofeudal toaitarianism. The two most shallow, small, dangerous men foisted on a dying rotten old empire and country. The two old sleezebags, were able to ruthlessly climb up business and political ladders to appease backers. Trump would not get anything but coverage of how incompetent and corrupt he is, in a normal country. The machines that keep the pr and propaganda sent out, the public image network going, the l sychophants who are expendable chenged inand out and got rich from the corruption and thieving of theserotten scumbags, the criminals that keep the money flowing, the lawyers that have kept them out of jail. The bribery. The money gathering apparatus that depends on big lies, the worst money laundering, wire fraud, amd extortortion possible. The incredible hype and constant manipulation that costantly works over time to mold something very unreal, and delusional into some sliver of illusion, that the two scumbags could benefit anyone but the worst corporate oligarchs and political insects . In reality they benefit no living creature on this planet. The big illusion of something and someone, that is so small and shallow, and stupid and demented manipulated to look bigger.

    All that is left of many places, like the USA or a country like France , is a big house of cards that is falling down exposing the pathetic, evil creatures and parasitic organizations and individuals, that have pushed our lives and the world, so far out of whack. Money, avarice, greed DRIVE pathologically-fake reality. Reality IS driven by uncaring bag men, money whales, killers and their disgusting front men. This is what is destroying the world. Incompetent demented old, creeps like Donald Trump and Joe Biden, who would not exist without their backers and the mechanisms of the large amounts of money and energy, put into manipulation. The monsters that rule are sick and damaged. The world is really close to ecoside and the monsters don’t care. They seem to be so preoccupied with their schemes they are willing to accelerate world death with war and even nuclear war

    Comment by Shron | July 30, 2023 | Reply

  7. My neighbor who had a stroke is dying. Biden cut off his food stamps. He is 67. Had a stroke that left him only partially mobile. It is so sad to see so much poverty in this country . The politicians from both sides gop and democrats, have decided to further punish the old, the poor, the workers, the working poor, the disabled, the children infavor of the rich who gobble everything up and drive expensivebig gas guzzlers that cause the most glogal warming and climate change . Both partys support ugly unending war. Millions of people are to be driven to homelessness and starvation, so the rich can thrive. Thousand dollar or 500 dollar ticket for giving a homeess person a sandwich in some cities. People are so broke that tput off needed medical care till the last minute and dying.

    Comment by Hannah | July 30, 2023 | Reply

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