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Stealth actions by SpaceX, as 36 space launches approved by California Coastal Commission without a vote, public hearing, or public notice

Nina Beety, 11 June 23

June 7, the California Coastal Commission approved 36 SpaceX launches at
Vandenberg AFB per year without a vote, public hearing, or public notice
in the agenda. SpaceX presently launches 6 rockets per year.

The proposal was hidden in a staff report which the Commission merely
concurred with. The public did not know it was proposed. Fortunately, a
commissioner commented on it during the meeting, and a member of the
public caught it and investigated. She and another person then spoke
during public comments the following day June 8 against this possibly
unlawful action, and hearing about it for the first time, I joined them.
If this attendee had not caught it, the action would not have come to

Stealth actions are being repeated by agency after agency, exempting
projects from review, environmental evaluation, hearings, public notice,
and laws, and this must be exposed and contested very publicly whenever they

Below is the link to the agenda. Item #10 “Energy, Ocean Resources and
Federal Consistency” report.

Also,  U.S. Department of the Air Force propose a new space complex at
Vandenberg Air Force Base
for private company Phantom Space Company for up to 48 launches per year
and 48 rocket tests per year. This was scheduled on the June 7 agenda
but was postponed until probably the July meeting. The staff report for
it is linked in the June agenda.

10 Energy, Ocean Resources & Federal Consistency
Report by the Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits,
immaterial amendments & extensions, negative determinations, matters not
requiring public hearings, and status report on offshore oil & gas
exploration & development. For specific information contact the
Commission’s Energy, Ocean Resources, and Federal Consistency Division
office at (415) 904-5240.

June 12, 2023 - Posted by | secrets,lies and civil liberties, USA

1 Comment »

  1. 17 fatalities. One didnt stop for a buses redlights flashing and killed a teen
    The crash in North Carolina’s Halifax County, where a futuristic technology came barreling down a rural highway with devastating consequences, was one of 736 U.S. crashes since 2019 involving Teslas in Autopilot mode — far more than previously reported, according to a Washington Post analysis of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data. The number of such crashes has surged over the past four years, the data shows, reflecting the hazards associated with increasingly widespread use of Tesla’s futuristic driver-assistance technology as well as the growing presence of the cars on the nation’s roadways.

    The number of deaths and serious injuries associated with Autopilot also has grown significantly, the data shows. When authorities first released a partial accounting of accidents involving Autopilot in June 2022, they counted only three deaths definitively linked to the technology. The most recent data includes at least 17 fatal incidents, 11 of them since last May, and five serious injuries.
    Click to shrink…

    Tesla’s 17 fatal crashes reveal distinct patterns, The Post found: Four involved a motorcycle. Another involved an emergency vehicle.

    Musk dont care about life. His satellites fall out of the sky like flys.His last big launch, cast poisonous dust and debri for a hundred mile radius, partially destroying a bird refuge. Criminal con man, gets billions from the govt, pays no taxes while working families pay taxes and barely make it

    Comment by Selby | June 12, 2023 | Reply

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