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Cost of building Hinkley nuclear station soars from £18bn to £32.7bn

There is an increasing chance that the Hinkley Point C nuclear power
project could take longer and cost more to complete than planned, it has
emerged. In a presentation to investors to coincide with its first-quarter
results, client EDF said: “The risk of additional delays and budget
overruns is increasing.”

Its investor presentation said that around 46
per cent of the project’s total concrete had been poured, and 14 per cent
of mechanical, electrical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
equipment had been manufactured. But both of these elements were behind
schedule, it added.

EDF declined to make any further comment on the
prospect of increased costs and further delays. But earlier this year it
emerged that the project could cost £32.7bn, up from the original £18bn
that was expected in 2015. The latest estimated start date for energy
generation was given as June 2027. It had previously been expected to
become operational in 2025.

 Construction News 9th June 2023

EDF reveals ‘increasing risk’ of Hinkley delays and budget overruns

June 12, 2023 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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